by Editor | Jan 9, 2022 | News, AIWS and the Age of Global Enlightenment
The Global Enlightenment Education Program of AIWS City includes:
AIWS Innovation. Members of the Global Enlightenment Program will be practiced on AIWS Innovation.
The AIWS Innovation will link program members with like-minded individuals in their community, country, and across the globe, enabling them to share perspectives and ideas and to assist each other in the development of innovate and constructive initiatives. It will also be a basis for collective action on universal problems like climate change and digital literacy.
In earlier times, “community” meant the local area. Later, “community” also came to mean the nation in which one resides. Today, because of globalization, “community” also includes the larger world. The AIWS Innovation is not intended to substitute for face-to-face interactions, which create the social capital that enables people locally to work together to strengthen their community. It is meant to supplement such interactions with ones based on a recognition that people everywhere have a common humanity and a shared planet.
Enlightenment Publication. Weekly Insight, a weekly newsletter, will be distributed online to members of the Global Education Program.
Weekly Insight is designed to help individuals build the knowledge, skills, values, and perspectives needed to lead a more fulfilling life and contribute to a more inclusive, just, and peaceful world. It is based on a lifelong-learning model that involves both formal and informal education as keys to developing problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, as well as discovering conventional and innovative paths to participation in the community, nation, and world.
by Editor | Jan 9, 2022 | Global Alliance for Digital Governance, Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital, Event Updates, News
At the Boston Global Forum Symposium “Framework for Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital”, December 12, 2021, Professor Nazli Choucri, Board Member of Michael Dukakis Institute, presented ideas about the Declaration of Action of Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital:
“The intention as I understand the Declaration of Action of Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital is to establish an Action Plan. The vision has been set out in earlier documents and is along the line of a secure, safe and peaceful AI and Digital World.
A more tangible goal would be needed. I suspect that this requires some serious discussion but something like “an international negotiating team is nominated to negotiate an AI International Accord or a Treaty on AI (or AI and Digital)”.
One would then need to identify the steps that need to be taken to realise that goal. The resolution of some key issues, such as the ones just mentioned, would logically form part of the plan. With those fundamental issues resolved, one could seek to encourage lawyers to address other architectural issues ahead of detailed drafting.
A key aim of such a plan would be to share the ideas, and enrich the ideas and seek to get some momentum behind a movement, using a variety of formats
- with political leaders
- with business leaders and innovators
- between political leaders and business leaders
Roundtables with
- governments, EU, UN
- Congress, Parliaments, National Assembly
- Think tanks, thought leaders, universities
- Boston Universities, including Harvard, MIT, Brandeis, Northeastern, Boston University, Boston College, Tufts, UMass Amherst, and
- UK universities (Oxford, Cambridge, London)
- Civil society organizations
Papers, Blogs, Books, Debates, webinars, workshops
One could envisage the group engaging particularly with a set of key developed and developing countries. If a group of countries is really convinced about what you are arguing, then they can take on the wider engagement and political promotion themselves.
As a stepping stone to the ultimate goal, I suggest that it would be important to make the most of the opportunity such as the Secretary-General’s 2023 Summit of the Future, with the aim of obtaining a positive decision to work towards (or investigate) an AI International Accord or the establishment of a global governance system for AI (or Digital and AI – or whatever depending on the outcome of earlier decisions).
Here is the video of her speech:
by Editor | Jan 9, 2022 | Event Updates
At 9:00 AM, January 17, 2022, Professor Thomas Patterson, co-founder of Boston Global Forum, Research Director of Michael Dukakis Institute, will give a lecture for the AI World Society Leadership Program 2021-2022.
The goal of our AIWS Leadership Program is to help students understand changing technology and its implications. We’ve created a series of lectures that address major features of the digital age and the challenges and opportunities they present.
Each of our presenters is a thought leader in the field of digital technology. They come from some of the world’s top institutions, including Harvard, MIT, and Stanford. And nearly all of them have spent time in the private sector or government service. They will share with you their high-level practical experience, as well as their scholarly knowledge.
Each lecture is directed at the needs of the innovative leader and thinker – what you will need to know to successfully navigate the challenges and opportunities of the Digital Age.
One of our initiatives is a Social Contract for the AI Age. In this effort, we’ve worked closely with the United Nations Academic Impact Program and with the Club de Madrid, which is the organization of former heads of state and heads of government of democratic countries.
Our Social Contract defines what we see as the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of individuals, governments, firms, and other entities in the digital age.
By definition, a social contract is based on the rights and interests of individuals, and what governments and other entities must do and are prohibited from doing to safeguard those rights and interests.
by Editor | Jan 2, 2022 | News, AIWS and the Age of Global Enlightenment
Members of Global Enlightenment Community, such as President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Prime Minister Zlatko Lagumdzija, father of Internet Vint Cerf, and CEO of BGF Nguyen Anh Tuan, spoke at the Global Baku Forum “The World after COVID-19”
The VIII Global Baku Forum, November 4-6, 2021, attracts great attention and interest of world leaders. At the opening ceremony, addresses were heard from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Latvian President Egils Levits, Moldovan Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita, Pope Francis, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, former UK Prime Minister, UN Special Envoy for Global Education and World Health Organization, Ambassador for Global Health Gordon Brown and other dignitaries.
The EU was a visionary creation that managed to transform the relations between deadly antagonists into peaceful partners, e.g. France and Germany. It expanded the fruitful collaborations among its members, and increased its membership enhancing peace and prosperity across the continent.
- Can the EU design a unified foreign and defense posture vis-a-vis the rapidly changing world order?
- Can the European parliament become a viable forum for formulating policies that would be binding on all the member countries?
- Can the EU design policies that would resolve favorably the current crises that exist in Europe: e.g. South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Ukraine and Crimea? Or to define policies on such non-consensual issues as immigration?
- Can the EU manage the issues raised by the policies of some of its member states, e.g. Hungary under Viktor Orban?
- Can the EU resolve the remaining issues of the BREXIT decisions?
- How will the EU define it relations with Russia post- Crimea?
– Vaira Vike-Freiberga, President of Latvia 1999-2007; Co-Chair, NGIC (TBC)
– Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, President of Croatia 2015-2020
– Yves Leterme, Prime Minister of Belgium 2008, 2009-2011
– Matteo Renzi, Prime Minister of Italy 2014-2016 (Digital Speaker)
– Emil Constantinescu, President of Romania 1996-2000
– Nguyen Anh Tuan, Co-Founder and CEO, Boston Global Forum
by Editor | Jan 2, 2022 | Event Updates, News, Boston Global Forum Awards
Speaker of the Riksdag, Andreas Norlen, received the World Leader for Peace and Security Award 2021 at the Symposium “Framework for Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital” on December 12, 2021. The World Leader for Peace and Security Award 2015 recipient, former PM Shinzo Abe, presented a speech at this event as well.
Andreas Norlen said:” I want to start by thanking Governor Michael Dukakis and Boston Global Forum for selecting me for the World Leader for Peace and Security Award 2021. I am honoured and proud both for the award and for the opportunity to address you today. Your organisation plays an important role in working for a more peaceful and secure world, for instance by raising both the potentials and risks of artificial intelligence and other digital technologies. Your initiative on Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital is timely and important.”
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe presented his special speech at the Boston Global Forum Symposium “Framework for Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital” on December 12, 2021.
After noting threats and dangers from AI and Digital to peace and security in the world, he highlighted: There are nations that plan to spread disinformation through deep fakes, inciting and brainwashing their citizens.
To solve these issues, he stated “we need to think outside the box.”
by Editor | Jan 2, 2022 | Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital, News
Stavros Lambrinidis, European Union Ambassador to the United States, received the “World Leader in AI World Society Award,” at 8:30 AM, Wednesday, April 28, 2021 from Governor Michael Dukakis.
The award honors Ambassador Lambrinidis for his contribution to strengthening security and fundamental freedoms on the Internet and for fostering Artificial Intelligence democracy worldwide.
Ambassador Lambrinidis, who served as Vice President of the European Parliament and as the EU’s Special Representative for Human Rights and has long been active on data privacy issues, will talk about opportunities for transatlantic collaboration on the digital economy and AI in his brief remarks at the upcoming award ceremony.
The Framework for the Artificial Intelligence International Accord, developed by the Boston Global Forum in collaboration with AIWS distinguished thinkers, was discussed immediately following the ceremony honoring Ambassador Lambrinidis 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM, April 28, 2021.
by Editor | Jan 2, 2022 | Papers & Reports, Event Updates, News
Club de Madrid and Boston Global Forum (BGF) have partnered to narrow this gap between the digital and the policy world. Our joint Policy Lab aims to build consensus around a rights-based agenda for the global governance of AI and digital societies.
The international community has so far failed to adopt a common governance model of digital technologies and AI based on human rights, despite several attempts to articulate such principles. This Policy Lab will serve to identify ideas and policy recommendations that can serve to build consensus around a rights-based agenda for the governance of AI and digital societies as we seek to narrow the gap between the digital and the policy world.
Drawing on the proposals of the AIWS Social Contract 2020 the United Nations Centennial “Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment” and with the unique individual and collective leadership experience of Club de Madrid Members, the Policy Lab delved into:
-Transatlantic approaches to protect fundamental rights in AI & digital spaces.
-The elements & process for an international legal framework to protect fundamental rights in AI & digital spaces, towards an AI international accord.
-The Concept and Ecosystem for Digital and AI Society.
-The Global Alliance for Digital Governance
Aside from Boston Global Forum thinkers and Club de Madrid Members, the Policy Lab also gathered representatives of governments, academic institutions and think tanks, tech companies, and civil society. The outcome —a set of policy recommendations on building an international legal framework to protect fundamental rights in AI and digital spaces— will be shared with national governments and decision-makers in multilateral organisations, amongst others, so as to better inform the debate. With their agency and global reach, Members of Club de Madrid are uniquely placed to pull the levers of change and advocate for an international accord that protects fundamental rights in AI and digital spaces.
Club de Madrid and the Boston Global Forum’s five-year plan to advocate for a rights-based approach to the age of AI for Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment.
by Editor | Jan 2, 2022 | Event Updates
Dear friends,
Happy New Year 2022.
Thank you very much for your support and help to Boston Global Forum, Michael Dukakis Institute and AIWS in the year 2021. We come to 2022 with great values and success of 2021.
In the first AIWS Weekly 2022, we would like to reintroduce significant events and values that will fundamental and foundational for this year.
This discussion is a special side event of the Rīga Conference 2021 which is co-organised by the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation and the Boston Global Forum.
The United Nations Centennial initiative was launched by the Boston Global Forum (BGF) and the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) in 2019 as the United Nations planned to mark the 75th anniversary the following year. It brought into its fold some of the finest minds of our times as they sought to anticipate the world, and the United Nations, in 2045, the year of the world organization’s centennial. The core concepts of the initiative are reflected in the book “Remaking the World: Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment”; these include the idea of a social contract for the Artificial Intelligence (AI) age, a framework for an AI international accord, an ecosystem for the “AI World Society” (AIWS) and a community innovation economy. Some of these ideas have already begun to be put into practice, including a Global Alliance for Digital Governance and the evolution of AIWS City, a virtual digital city dedicated to promoting the values associated with AIWS.
This session discussed concepts of the book to build the Age of Global Enlightenment, and the particular role of the Baltic States – who celebrate thirty years of United Nations membership this year-in this regard.
Dr Vaira Vīķe- Freiberga, President of the Republic of Latvia from 1999 to 2007
Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of the Boston Global Forum, Director of the Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation, Co-Founder of the AI World Society Innovation Network, Co-Founder of AIWS City
Paul F. Nemitz, Director for Fundamental rights and Union citizenship in the Directorate-General for JUSTICE of the European Commission
Alex `Sandy’ Pentland, Director of the Human Dynamics Laboratory, MIT’s, Director of the MIT Media Lab Entrepreneurship Program, Co-Leader of The World Economic Forum Big Data and Personal Data Initiatives, Founding Member of The Advisory Boards for Nissan, Motorola Mobility, Telefonica
Thomas Patterson, Research Director of The Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation, Professor of Government and the Press of Harvard Kennedy School, Distinguished Contributor to the Book “Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment”
Moderator: Prof Žaneta Ozoliņa, Chairwoman of the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation
by Editor | Dec 26, 2021 | Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital, News
Paul Nemitz, member of Global Enlightenment Community of AIWS City, contributed to the Boston Global Forum debate on December 12, 2021:
We all converge in the risk analysis and we all converge in our call for making rules which mitigate the risks and for international cooperation.
At the same time, we live in a time in which the type of agreement we need for domestic rulemaking and also for international cooperation is ever less forthcoming. In fact, the scarcest resource today is not the one great idea, the one paper written by a great academic or for that matter the next phantastic start-up. The scarcest resource today is the willingness and ability to agree on rules, both domestically, to adopt laws, and on an international level.
It is this the reason why in the US Congress is basically not at all anymore able to adopt laws for the digital. And it is this the reason why we are in danger of gesture politics, in which words sound great, but actions are meagre.
This difficulty falls in a time where at the same time measuring success of policy progress has become more possible than in the past. Whether the policy of climate change actually has positive effects can actually be measured scientifically.
We can also count how much hate speech and incitement to violence has been removed from the internet. Most of the policies successes and failures in policies related to digital and AI will be subject to scientific and numerical assessment.