Global Cybersecurity Day

Global Cybersecurity Day, held on December 12 at 12 noon local time in various cities around the globe, aims to inspire the shared responsibility of the world’s citizens to protect the safety, transparency, and security of the Internet. It calls upon as many citizens of goodwill as possible around the world, from ordinary people to government and business leaders, educators and IT specialists, to participate in various ways. On the first Global Cybersecurity Day, December 12, 2015, Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sent their messages to BGF to support this initiative.


There are no upcoming events at this time.


Speech of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe: “Security in Cyberspace”

Speech of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe: “Security in Cyberspace”

To pay tribute to Prime Minister Abe, Boston Global Forum republishes his speech from the first Global Cybersecurity Day: (Excerpts of Prime Minister Abe’s speech at Boston Global Forum Conference, December 12, 2015.) “Ensuring security in cyberspace – cybersecurity –...

Global Cybersecurity Day 2017 Ebook

Global Cybersecurity Day 2017 Ebook

Global Cybersecurity Day was created to inspire the shared responsibility of the world's citizens to protect the Internet's safety and transparency. The 2017 Conference theme is Cyber-Defense Strategy for a Nation, featuring discussions by noted world authorities:...


Speech of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe: “Security in Cyberspace”

Speech of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe: “Security in Cyberspace”

To pay tribute to Prime Minister Abe, Boston Global Forum republishes his speech from the first Global Cybersecurity Day: (Excerpts of Prime Minister Abe’s speech at Boston Global Forum Conference, December 12, 2015.) “Ensuring security in cyberspace – cybersecurity –...