Confronting Reality in Cyberspace: Foreign Policy for a Fragmented Internet

Jul 17, 2022News, Practices in Cybersecurity

“The era of the global internet is over,” writes the Council for Foreign Relations in its latest Independent Task Force report. “The vision of an open, reliable, and secure global network has not been achieved and is unlikely to be realized. As a result, the internet is less free, more fragmented, and less secure than ever before.”

Confronting Reality in Cyberspace: Foreign Policy for a Fragmented Internet, proposes “a new strategy for today’s more complex, variegated, and dangerous cyber realm.” includes news reports, analysis and reflections by distinguished thinkers and innovators supporting innovations and solutions for “Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment” and the United Nations Centennial initiative, looking at how the world might be in 2045 when the global organization completes a hundred years.