AIWS Summary and Update

AIWS Summary and Update

Since December 12, 2017, the Boston Global Forum have built AI World Society, a Seven-Layer model of a world, reflecting a society deeply rooted in applied AI, with the vision of ushering in an Age of Global Enlightenment. The BGF is building AIWS Economy-Politics in the AI Age.

BGF is very pleased to update and clarify AIWS this June:


Standards of AIWS:

Social Contract for the AI Age

Framework for Human-Centered AI Based on the Laws of Nature

AI International Accord (AIIA)

Legal Framework for Global Governance of AI

BGF Framework for AI Global Governance

The Book “Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment”


Global Enlightenment Economy:

Data Economy for the Age of Global Enlightenment

Every citizen, an innovator

AIWS Market


Global Enlightenment Politics:



AIWS Rewards


Global Enlightenment Education:

AIWS University

AIWS Global Enlightenment Education Program

AIWS Leadership Program


Global Enlightenment Technological Achievements:



Community and Network:

World Leaders for Peace and Security

World Leaders in AIWS

Global Enlightenment Leaders

Global Enlightenment Community – AIWS City

Global Enlightenment Club

Global Enlightenment Music, Art and Literature Network

Global Enlightenment Mountain (GEM) –

Global Enlightenment Houses


BGF and its contributors will build:


Arts and Literature:

Global Enlightenment Music

Global Enlightenment Art

Global Enlightenment Movies and Films

Global Enlightenment Pieces (in Literature)

Global Enlightenment Legends (National Parks, National Monuments)

Global Enlightenment Sport


Global Enlightenment Landmarks:

(Historical, Significant Achievements)

Why the G20 Should Lead Multilateral Reform for Inclusive Responsible AI Governance for the Global South

Why the G20 Should Lead Multilateral Reform for Inclusive Responsible AI Governance for the Global South

A report from:

Shamira Ahmed, Executive Director, Data Economy Policy Hub

Dio Herdiawan Tobing, Head, Public Policy, Asia, World Benchmarking Alliance

Mohammed Soliman, Director, Strategic Technologies and Cyber Security Program, Middle East Institute

Artificial intelligence (AI) creates unique challenges for the Global South. While AI presents opportunities for ‘leapfrogging’, it can also result in considerable adverse externalities if it is developed and deployed irresponsibly.

Despite being more susceptible to the negative impacts of AI, current global AI governance initiatives do not reflect Global South realities. Multilateral reform for global AI governance is urgently needed to facilitate a transversal, mission-oriented approach that incorporates multiple stakeholders and ensures the legitimacy of international cooperation. This will help guarantee that systemic consolidation of power and control is addressed, digital dividends are distributed more equitably, and existential AI risks are mitigated to suit the various socioeconomic realities of both the Global South and Global North.

This policy brief recommends that the G20 lead efforts to reflect our interdependent, culturally diverse, and modern society by amplifying participation of the Global South in the development of global AI governance.

The Global Alliance for Digital Governance supports this idea and will contribute to G20 through C20 Summit Conference and GLIDES.

UN Under-Secretary-General and Global Enlightenment Leader Amandeep Gill calls for AI watchdog agency due to ‘tremendous’ potential: ‘very clear’ urgency

UN Under-Secretary-General and Global Enlightenment Leader Amandeep Gill calls for AI watchdog agency due to ‘tremendous’ potential: ‘very clear’ urgency

“The urgency is very clear in the U.N.’s perspective,” Under-Secretary-General and U.N. Tech Envoy Amandeep Gill told Fox News Digital in an interview. “Urgency in terms of addressing the risks and addressing the governance gap in the institutions.”

Gill has led the way on the U.N.’s efforts to establish an advisory committee on AI policy, which the organization expects to have up and running by the end of the year. The committee is something the U.N. can establish since it has no governing power, and any watchdog agency must come from the member states and the U.N. can only act with what power the members provide it.

“Public sector institutions are way behind in terms of their understanding, in terms of their ability to cope with the implications, whether it’s the shifts in the job market or misinformation, disinformation, the threat to democracies,” Gill said. “So, that is driving the perspective on the risk side.”

“At the same time, there’s tremendous potential of AI and data to accelerate progress on the sustainable development goals,” he added. “Whether it’s climate change, resilient agriculture, or, you know, handling the next pandemic, AI can be an invaluable tool.”

Boston Global Forum and Michael Dukakis Institute honored Amandeep Gill as the World Leader in AI World Society 2022.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently urged members to pay attention to “alarm bells over the latest form of artificial intelligence,” which are “loudest from the developers who designed it.”


Global Enlightenment Mountain’s Thomas Kehler: Bayesian Networks empower a new generation of AI

Global Enlightenment Mountain’s Thomas Kehler: Bayesian Networks empower a new generation of AI

Thomas Kehler, a member of Global Enlightenment Mountain, Chief Scientist of CrowdSmart comments on the article “Bayesian Networks: The Key to Unlocking AI’s True Potential”

“The article makes a point of critical importance – Bayesian Networks empower a new generation of AI that opens the door to including human collective intelligence. For the past 8 years it has been the focus of my work and the work of CrowdSmart to use Bayesian Belief Networks as a means of integrating current generation of AI with human collective intelligence. An early key contributor to Bayesian Belief Networks, Judea Pearl, has stated ‘You are smarter than your data’. To date, with all the great progress we have made in AI, the learnings are based on the data we generated – our data droppings. Consider the power of current AI and collective human imagination co-creating together. That is the future and Bayesian Networks play a key role in that future.”

Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way since its inception, with machine learning and deep learning techniques driving rapid advancements in the field. However, despite the impressive progress, there are still many challenges to overcome before AI can truly reach its full potential. One promising approach to tackling these challenges is the use of Bayesian networks, a powerful probabilistic graphical model that has the potential to unlock new levels of understanding and reasoning in AI systems.

Judea Pearl, World Leader in AIWS Award recipient 2020, father of Causal Inference concepts

AIWS City: A Landmark Celebrating the 90th Birthday of Michael Dukakis

AIWS City: A Landmark Celebrating the 90th Birthday of Michael Dukakis

In honor of Governor Michael Dukakis’s 90th birthday on November 3, 2023, Global Enlightenment Leaders are creating a remarkable tribute – AIWS City. As co-founder and Chair of the Boston Global Forum, Governor Dukakis has played an influential role in fostering Global Enlightenment. The construction of AIWS City stands as a testament to his contributions and the achievements of the BGF and the Global Enlightenment Community.

AIWS City is set to fully open on November 3, 2023, coinciding with Governor Dukakis’s milestone birthday. This digital city will serve as a hub for showcasing and promoting various facets of global enlightenment, encompassing the realms of economy, politics, education, technological advancements, arts, literature, and sports.

As an emblematic landmark, AIWS City will stand as a testament to historical achievements and significant milestones in the journey towards the Age of Global Enlightenment. It will embody the spirit of global cooperation, knowledge sharing, and collective progress.

AIWS City, the digital city of the Global Enlightenment Community, will serve as a beacon of inspiration, encouraging individuals and nations to embrace the principles of peace, collaboration, and innovation. It will stand as a lasting tribute to Governor Michael Dukakis and the transformative power of Global Enlightenment.

Governor Michael Dukakis honors President Zelensky and the Ukrainian people as World Leader for Peace and Security 2022

The BGF Action Agenda for AI Global Governance in the second half of 2023

The BGF Action Agenda for AI Global Governance in the second half of 2023

The BGF Action Agenda for AI Global Governance aims to implement the BGF Framework on AI Global Governance, based on the AI World Society Models and Standards. The agenda identifies threats to humanity from AI, particularly from totalitarian governments and big tech companies that do not respect AIWS Standards and the BGF Framework. The following are the proposed actions and events to address these threats:

  1. Actions:

Dialogue with governments: Engage in dialogue with governments to recommend and advocate for AI Global Governance that aligns with AIWS Standards.

Empower users and civic society: Encourage users and civic society organizations to demand that companies respect AIWS Standards.

Ally with like-minded entities: Build alliances among governments, companies, and civic society organizations that adhere to AIWS Standards to collectively address threats and dangers.

Promote Global Enlightenment Mountain: Support the establishment of the Global Enlightenment Mountain, which will serve as a valuable resource for the Global Alliance for Digital Governance.

Create Global Enlightenment Music: Develop music and artistic expressions that promote AIWS Standards and inspire individuals to advocate for them in the Age of Global Enlightenment.

Engage writers and journalists: Encourage writers and journalists to support AIWS Standards and educate users about the importance of respecting those standards.

  1. Events:

Jaipur Dialogue (July 29-31, 2023): Organize a dialogue on AI Global Governance with the Indian government during the C20 Summit. Discuss actions related to transparency, monitoring, and empowering users. Collaborate with CSOs, BGF, GLIDES, and GEM to mobilize user support. Dialogue with companies and governments through the Global Enlightenment Community.

Dialogue with Leaders of Japan (September 2023): Engage in discussions with leaders of Japan, focusing on the Shinzo Abe Initiative.

Riga Conference 2023 (October 21-22): Co-organize a conference with the Council of Europe, Latvia Transatlantic Organization, and BGF to address the Legal Framework for AI Global Governance. Present a special report on the topic.

90th Birthday Celebration of Michael Dukakis (October): Contribute to building AIWS – the Age of Global Enlightenment in celebrating the 90th birthday of Governor Michael Dukakis. Engage in dialogues with US leaders during the event and organize Global Enlightenment Music: music to celebrate Governor Michael Dukakis’s 90th birthday, promoting AIWS Standards – the values of the Age of Global Enlightenment.

Global Enlightenment Leaders are invited to participate in these events and contribute to the agenda. This includes distinguished leaders, thinkers, and members of the Tech 50 who will join the BGF Global Enlightenment Leaders in dialogues with the Indian government and the G20 in Jaipur, European leaders at the Riga Conference 2023, US leaders during Governor Michael Dukakis’s birthday celebration, and leaders in Japan through the Shinzo Abe Initiative.


These are the AIWS Standards mentioned in the context of the BGF Action Agenda for AI Global Governance:

Social Contract for the AI Age

AI International Accord (AIIA)

BGF Framework for AI Global Governance

Legal Framework for AI Global Governance

Framework for a Human-Centered AI Based on the Laws of Nature

Data Economy for the Age of Global Enlightenment


GADG supports GLIDES and C20 India 2023 Summit in Jaipur, July 30-31, 2023

GADG supports GLIDES and C20 India 2023 Summit in Jaipur, July 30-31, 2023

Under the Indian Presidency of the G20 this year, the Civil20 remains committed to advocate evidence- based policy recommendations. C20 will strive towards the realization of the Indian C20 motto – “You Are The Light”.

C20 is one of the official Engagement Groups of the G20. It provides a platform for Civil Society Organizations around the world to voice people’s aspirations with the world’s leaders in G20. C20 also aims to protect the essence of the sector, promote social and economic development with the vision that no one should be left behind.

The Global Alliance for Digital Governance recognizes and supports GLIDES’s works “Technology, Security, and Transparency” as a part of Global Enlightenment Community:

  • Create an online portal: open, inclusive, voluntary, civil society-centric with representation of CSOs from G20 nations and developing economies
  • CSO submit policy recommendations; GLIDES will escalate to general public, existing internet governance mechanisms, G20 secretariat in India and subsequently in Brazil & South Africa after due diligence
  • CSO can sign up to the portal and get featured after due diligence; CSO share best practices & success stories on portal
  • GLIDES will organize monthly meetings, workshops, training programs, seminars & deliberations on digital access, internet shutdowns, safe harbor, net neutrality, data privacy, data governance, cyber stalking, online harassment, cyber security, fake news and digital rights, etc.
  • GLIDES can commission studies & white papers around Internet-related concerns in G20 countries and publicize its findings.

The Boston Global Forum encourages and will recommend organizations to contribute to this project.

Global Enlightenment Leaders contribute to the Agenda for Actions on AI Global Governance

Global Enlightenment Leaders contribute to the Agenda for Actions on AI Global Governance

BGF’s Global Enlightenment Leaders, including Prime Ministers Enrico Letta and Zlatko Lagumdzija, distinguished scholars Martha Minow and Ruth Okediji from Harvard Law School, thinker John Clippinger, and others, are actively contributing to the agenda for actions on AI Global Governance. The leaders and the agenda aim to establish a comprehensive framework for governing artificial intelligence globally.

A distinguished contributor is Professor Alex Pentland, who focuses on the Data Economy for AI Global Governance. Professor Pentland analyzes the impact of data in shaping AI governance policies and frameworks, as well as creating a data economy. His research and insights help guide discussions and decision-making processes related to AI regulation.

The Shinzo Abe Initiative, named in honor of the late Prime Minister, emphasizes the importance of AI in driving technological advancements and economic growth for Japan, and promotes regional and global peace and security. Through this initiative, its members and coordinators will discuss cooperation and collaboration among Japan and nations to address the challenges and opportunities presented in the Internet Age and AI.

Thomas Kehler, an AI pioneer based in Silicon Valley, contributes to the development of a framework for a human-centered AI based on the laws of nature. His approach emphasizes the ethical and sustainable use of AI technologies, considering their impact on society and the environment. Kehler’s insights provide valuable guidance on how to align AI development with the principles of nature and human well-being.

Nguyen Anh Tuan, the CEO of BGF, brings valuable concepts to the table, including the power of users and the role of civic society organizations. Recognizing the importance of user involvement and the influence of civil society in shaping AI governance, Tuan’s contributions highlight the need for an innovative and enlightened approach to global AI policy-making. The power of users will be instrumental in demanding companies to adhere to standards for AI Global Governance.

These Global Enlightenment Leaders will engage in dialogue with leaders of the European Council at the Riga Conference 2023. The conference serves as a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing research, and discussing policy frameworks related to AI governance. By actively participating in such dialogues, these leaders contribute to the establishment of a robust and effective AI Global Governance framework that considers various perspectives and promotes responsible and innovative AI development.

Prime Minister Enrico Letta and Governor Michael Dukakis

Celebrating the 90th birthday of Michael Dukakis: Global Enlightenment Leaders contribute to build AI World Society

Celebrating the 90th birthday of Michael Dukakis: Global Enlightenment Leaders contribute to build AI World Society

To celebrate the 90th Birthday of Michael Dukakis, Global Enlightenment leaders will contribute to building AIWS – the Age of Global Enlightenment. Engaging in dialogues with US leaders during the event and organize Global Enlightenment Music: music to celebrate Governor Michael Dukakis’s 90th birthday, promoting AIWS Standards – the values of the Age of Global Enlightenment.

Global Enlightenment Leaders are invited to participate in significant BGF events on AI Global Governance and contribute to the agenda for actions. This includes distinguished leaders, thinkers, and members of the Tech 50 who will join the Global Enlightenment Leaders in dialogues with the Indian government and the G20 in Jaipur, July 29-31, 2023, European leaders at the Riga Conference 2023, US leaders during Governor Michael Dukakis’s birthday celebration in October 2023, and leaders in Japan through the Shinzo Abe Initiative Conference in September 2023.

Governor Dukakis at a Boston Global Forum event in Loeb House, Harvard University