Ramu Damodaran will speak about the United Nations Centennial Initiative at Club de Madrid – BGF Policy Lab

Ramu Damodaran will speak about the United Nations Centennial Initiative at Club de Madrid – BGF Policy Lab

Ramu Damodaran, Chief of United Nations Academic Impact (2010 – 2021), co-chair of the United Nations Centennial Initiative, will talk about the goals of the United Nations Centennial Initiative: Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment, with Global Enlightenment Education Program, Leaders in the Age of Global Enlightenment.

Practicing and applying concepts of Remaking the World – Towards an Age of Global Enlightenment at AIWS City. AIWS City and NovaWorld Phan Thiet will set up an ecosystem for Community Innovation Economy and a Distinguished City to Honor the United Nations’ first Centennial.

Minister of State and Digital Governance Kyriakos Pierrakakis will speak at the CdM-BGF Policy Lab Sept 7-9

Minister of State and Digital Governance Kyriakos Pierrakakis will speak at the CdM-BGF Policy Lab Sept 7-9

Kyriakos Pierrakakis is also President of the OECD Global Strategy Group.

The OECD Global Strategy Group, which brings together Undersecretaries, Secretaries-General and other senior officials each year, has the task of facilitating cooperation between Member States. It prepares the work of the OECD Annual Ministerial Meeting, but adopts a more long-term vision.

Topics covered by the Commission include: digital transformation, the future of the labor market and trade in a digitized world, policy planning and international cooperation in a post-pandemic global economic system, and the design and implementation of a sustainable and comprehensive recovery plan. Another goal is to make the Commission more open globally, by expanding the reach of key partners, both from the candidate countries and from G7 and G20 Sherpas representatives.

Plenary V:  The United Nations Centennial Initiative: the practice of Fundamental Rights in AI & Digital Societies

  • Facilitator
    • David Silbersweig, Chairman, Department of Psychiatry and Co-Director for Institute for the Neurosciences, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Professor
  • Key speakers
    • Ramu Damodaran, Co-Chair of the United Nations Centennial
    • Kyriakos Pierrakakis, Minister of State and Digital Governance of Greece, Chair of the Global Strategy Group, OECD
  • Panel discussion:
    • Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Member of Club de Madrid, President of Latvia (1999-2007)
    • Michelle Bachelet, Member of Club de Madrid, President of Chile (2006-2010; 2014-2018) (video-message)
    • Thomas Patterson, Research Director of The Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation, Professor of Government and the Press of Harvard Kennedy School
    • Sean Cleary, Advisor of Club de Madrid, Executive vice-chair of the FutureWorld Foundation, Member of the Carnegie Council’s Artificial Intelligence & Equality Initiative’s Board of Advisors
    • Tran Dinh Thien, Professor, Senior Advisor to Vietnamese Prime Minister
Global Enlightenment Education plays a key role in Remaking the World – Towards an Age of Global Enlightenment

Global Enlightenment Education plays a key role in Remaking the World – Towards an Age of Global Enlightenment

The world can make an AI international Accord, but how would its implementation look like? Through education – education is fundamental for a transparency, responsibility, accountability, peace, security, and prosperity.

Global Enlightenment Education will attempt to solve and meet requirements of citizens in developing countries, for opportunities to innovative life through AIWS Innovations with concepts of Community Innovation Economy. The world needs to concentrate resources and to fight to bring Global Enlightenment Education to every citizen of developing countries.

One of the goals of the United Nations Centennial Initiative and the Age of Global Enlightenment is that every citizen is educated and practices Global Enlightenment Education.

Governments of G7 countries and OECD countries should  to collaborate to support this goal.

Applying the Community Innovation Economy at AIWS City

Applying the Community Innovation Economy at AIWS City

The AIWS Value System is innovative and, as such, untested for its utility. AIWS will test the concept by creating the AIWS City, which will be a virtual digital city dedicated to promoting the values associated AIWS. We envision it as a community of scholars, innovators, leaders, and citizens dedicated to fostering thought, creativity, and ethical behavior.

The digital platform for AIWS City has been created and the first phase of the project will be launched on September 9, 2021. AIWS City has offices in Boston, Massachusetts (USA); Tokyo (Japan), and NovaWorld Phan Thiet, Ha Noi, and Nha Trang (Vietnam), with plans to expand to other locations at a later time.

The heart of AIWS Innovation Ecosystem at AIWS.city to support and apply CIE concepts is the AIWS Innovation Hub.

AIWS Innovation Hub, which will serve as an incubator to help firms, inventors, innovators, and entrepreneurs turn their ideas into reality. They will be able to discuss their ideas and problems and hear from experts and practitioners on how to advance or solve them. The Innovation Hub will promote pioneering models that foster social responsibility and will reward their developers through the AIWS Rewards Program.

AIWS Leadership Program: Abhishek Gupta’s lecture “Ethical Leadership in Digital Age”

AIWS Leadership Program: Abhishek Gupta’s lecture “Ethical Leadership in Digital Age”

To educate leaders in the AI and Digital Age, for Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment, Michael Dukakis Institute organized the AIWS Leadership Program.

Abhishek Gupta gave the lecture Ethical Leadership in the Digital Age at AIWS Leadership Program, presenting “Turning the Gears Key Lesions for Organizations in responsible AI.”

Abhishek Gupta is the founder of Montreal AI Ethics Institute and a machine learning engineer at Microsoft where he serves on the CSE AI Ethics Review Board. His research focuses on applied technical and policy methods to address ethical, safety and inclusivity concerns in using AI in different domains. He has built the largest community driven, public consultation group on AI ethics in the world that has made significant contributions to the development of many initiatives in the domain of responsible AI. His work on public competence building in AI ethics has been recognized by governments from North America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania.

The AIWS Leadership program is a special program of the AIWS University.

Community Innovation Economy

Community Innovation Economy

The Community Innovation Economy is a concept, that innovation and entrepreneurship need to be customized for the circumstances of each community, as well as an ecosystem that supports every citizen so they can innovate.

The Community Innovation Economy (CIE) was conceived by MIT Professor Alex Pentland and Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of Boston Global Forum.

AIWS seeks to create an AIWS Ecosystem that empowers citizens to create value for themselves, for others, and for society through the application of artificial intelligence, digital, blockchain, and data science technologies. It is a sharing ecosystem that rewards both the creators and users of these technologies, as well as an ecosystem that encourages everyone to innovate. It breaks down the hierarchies that traditionally have created unequal power relationships, paving the way to a sharing society. It recognizes the value of every citizen, as well as every citizen’s creative potential. It seeks to promote citizens’ economic wellbeing while also promoting ethical and community values. It aims for nothing less than the creation of a more trusting, prosperous, and compassionate world where people can live more fulfilling lives, materially and ethically.

The AIWS Value System

Remaking the world as a more humane, peaceful, and secure place rests on promoting the values that will foster that world. To that end, AIWS has created the AIWS Value System as a means of guiding and encouraging individuals to contribute to a changing world.

The AIWS Value System focuses on creative or innovative acts that foster a sharing society.

The AIWS Ecosystem is a sample of the Community Innovation Economy.

An AI International Accord – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment: Alex Pentland is the lead speaker for Plenary VI

An AI International Accord – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment: Alex Pentland is the lead speaker for Plenary VI

Plenary VI: Building safer, equitable and trustworthy AI and digital societies: The AI International Accord (AIIA)

Facilitator:  William Hoffman, Head of Data-Driven Development, World Economic Forum 

Lead speaker: Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland, Director, MIT Connection Science and Human Dynamics labs, Co-Author of Social Contract for the AI Age



Zlatko Lagumdžija, Member of Club de Madrid, Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2001-2002)

Laura Chinchilla, Vice President of Club de Madrid, President of Costa Rica (2010-2014)

Ricardo Lagos, Member of Club de Madrid, President of Chile (2000-2006)

Gregor Strojin, Chair of the Council of Europe’s Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI)

Catalina Botero, Co-Chair of Facebook Oversight Board, Former Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)

This Plenary will take place on September 9 to discuss about the Community Innovation Economy and New Financial system, which are parts of the book Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment.

Professor Alex Pentland will be a lead speaker, presenting about Community Innovation Economy

Please register to attend the Policy Lab “An AI International Accord – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment”: https://aidigitalrights.com/

Phan Thiet MICE Competition and NovaWorld Phan Thiet contribute toward an Age of Global Enlightenment

Phan Thiet MICE Competition and NovaWorld Phan Thiet contribute toward an Age of Global Enlightenment

NovaWorld Phan Thiet combines with AIWS City to create a distinguished city to honor the United Nations Centennial. NovaWorld Phan Thiet will host and support events, conferences, and symposiums “Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment”.  Phan Thiet MICE is a competition to get the best solutions to make NovaWorld Phan Thiet to become a leading city, a top MICE of the Global Enlightenment Age. They would like to attract pioneering, significant events, figures, creativities, innovations in “remaking the world toward an Age of Global Enlightenment”.

The Phan Thiet MICE Competition will be presented at Policy Lab An AI International Accord – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment, co-organized by Boston Global Forum and Club de Madrid, September 7-9, 2021. This event will discuss the AI International Accord and Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment.

An AI International Accord – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment

An AI International Accord – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment

There are Heads of States and Governments (both current and former) that will attend and speak at the Policy Lab An AI International Accord – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment, co-organized by Boston Global Forum and Club de Madrid, September 7-9, 2021. This event will discuss an AI International Accord and the book Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment.

For more details: https://aidigitalrights.com/

Digital transformation is rapidly altering the panorama for fundamental rights around the world. Digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) create new opportunities for the enjoyment of human rights, as well as new threats to their protection. They also bring about new concepts of rights and obligations, directly arising from the relationship between citizens and technology. Governing this transformation, with the protection of fundamental rights as a central objective, requires a new approach to public policy, in line with the systemic changes occurring in society, the economy and international relations. While there have been attempts to articulate principles for an approach to the governance of digital societies based on the protection of fundamental rights, the international community has yet failed to define and adopt a common framework. With the invaluable support of NovaWorld Phan Thiet / Phan Thiet MICE Competition and partnership of the Boston Global Forum (BGF), Club de Madrid seek to contribute to global consensus-building around a rights-based agenda for the governance of digital societies. This initiative will feed into the work of the AI World Society (AIWS.net), an innovation network created by BGF to put forward new principles for governance in the age of AI. In partnership with UN Academic Impact, BGF and the AI World Society have launched the UN Centennial Initiative, UN100: Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Enlightenment, for which they will continue to develop and promote models for a Social Contract for the AI Age and an AI International Accord, using the AIWS City as a sandbox to put their ideas into practice.