by Editor | Mar 7, 2021 | News
Politico published the article “China wants to dominate AI. The U.S. and Europe need each other to tame it” on March 02, 2021, with a cameo from MDI and CAIDP:
“Strategically, both the U.S. and the EU are concerned about China, so they need a tech policy that acknowledges a very aggressive position that China has taken in AI,” said Marc Rotenberg, director of the Center on AI and Digital Policy at the Michael Dukakis Institute, a technology and leadership think tank in Boston.
Rep. Robin Kelly (D-Ill.), who has championed a U.S. national strategy on AI, asked her European counterparts during testimony to be “narrow and flexible” while pushing ahead with their “desire to be the first to write regulations.” The U.S. and Europe need to stand together as China seeks to write the global playbook, she added.
“Nations that do not share our commitment to democratic values are racing to be the leaders in AI and set the rules for the world,” Kelly said. “We cannot allow this to happen.”
by Editor | Mar 7, 2021 | Event Updates
Co-organizers: The United Nations Academic Impact and Boston Global Forum
8:30 -10:00 EDT/19:30 – 21:00 ICT, March 17, 2021
Moderator: Mr. Ramu Damodaran, chief of the United Nations Academic Impact and editor-in-chief of United Nations Chronicle Magazine.
Bui Thanh Nhon, chairman of Nova Group, Vietnam
Kamal Malhotra, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Vietnam
Michael Dukakis, three-term governor of Massachusetts
Le Tuan Phong, governor of Binh Thuan province, Viet Nam
Thomas Patterson, Harvard University
Alex Pentland, MIT
John Quelch, University of Miami
AIWS City is a digital virtual city founded on principles stated in “Social Contract for the AI Age”, “People Centered Economy”, “Trustworthy Economy”, “Intellectual Society”, and “AI-Government.”
AIWS City was introduced on 08/21/2020 at the United Nations 2045 Roundtable, co-organized by the United Nations Academic Impact and the Boston Global Forum.
The AIWS City Board of Leaders are: Governor Michael Dukakis, Chairman of the Boston Global Forum; Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of the Boston Global Forum; Professor Alex Pentland of MIT; Vint Cerf, Chief Internet Evangelist of Google; former Latvian and Club de Madrid President Vaira Vike-Freiberga; former Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zlatko Lagumdzija; Professor Nazli Choucri of MIT, Professor David Silbersweig of Harvard University; Professor Thomas Patterson of Harvard University; and Marc Rotenberg, Director of Center for AI and Digital Policy at Michael Dukakis Institute.
AIWS City includes distinguished world leaders, inventors, and innovators, as well as faculty from universities such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, UC-Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, Oxford, and Cambridge.
Location – NovaWorld Phan Thiet
Although virtual in concept, AIWS City will have a physical location – Phan Thiet, Vietnam. It is known for its white sand beaches, temperate climate, and proximity to an international airport and port of call. Less than 100 miles from Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet was historically a place of the Champa people and the enlightened Champa culture, remnants of which still exist in the area.
Phan Thiet is emerging as a worldwide destination. At Phan Thiet, Novaland Group is creating a “World Beach City” for vacationers that will also be an international hub for world leaders, creators, innovators, and scholars.
AIWS City will bring to NovaWorld Phan Thiet a rich set of activities designed to highlight intellectual and creative talent and progress. Together, AIWS City and NovaWorld Phan Thiet will serve as a model for sustainable development and high standards, embodying the ideals that marked the founding of the United Nations and that will sustain it as it moves toward its centennial year.
by Editor | Feb 28, 2021 | News
As usual this year, Michael Dukakis Institute sponsors the AI World Executive Summit July 14, 2021. The AI World Society City (AIWS City) of Michael Dukakis Institute will be a strategic alliance partner of this event.
This year’s AI World Executive Summit: The Future of AI will help keep people ahead of the curve and focus on how the best and brightest enterprises are truly innovating and achieving high-performance results from AI.
There is a special session at AI World Executive Summit – “AIWS City, a city for 100 years of the United Nations”
Speakers: Vint Cerf, father of Internet; Governor Michael Dukakis; Mr. Ramu Damodaran, Chief of the United Nations Academic Impact, Editor in Chief of United Nations Chronicle Magazine; Professor Thomas Patterson, Harvard Kennedy School; Professor John Quelch, Harvard Business School; and Mr. Bui Thanh Nhon, Chairman of Novaland.
Read more about the Summit here.
by Editor | Feb 28, 2021 | News
Now, leaders of the Boston Global Forum (BGF) and AIWS Innovation Network ( are nominating persons to honor World Leader in AI World Society Award 2021. The first recipient was Angel Gurria, Secretary General of OECD for 2018, the second recipient was father of Internet Vint Cerf for 2019, and the third and most recent recipient was Professor Judea Pearl, UCLA, for 2020.
The World Leader in AI World Society Award 2021 will be presented at the Quad Roundtable on AI International Accord in late April 2021.
World Leader in AI World Society is a part of Winners of this award will become a member of board of leaders of, the network of more than 100,000 professors, scholars, innovators, and experts of top universities across the world.
by Editor | Feb 28, 2021 | Event Updates
On 9:00 EST/15:00 CET/17:00 MSK, Saturday, March 6, 2021, the co-author of the Social Contract for the AI Age, Member of the History of AI Board, Prime Minister Zlatko Lagumdzija, will teach AIWS Leadership Master Degree Program. This program is a part of the cooperation between Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University ETU “LETI” and AIWS University of Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation. He will speak about building AI International Accord, and its challenges and obstacles. Students will be attending to learn the process to build the framework of AI International Accord and practice how to convince governments accept the framework.
Professor Dr. Zlatko Lagumdžija was Prime Minister, Acting Prime Minister, twice Deputy Prime Minister, twice Minister of Foreign Affairs, and a Member of the Parliament and the leader of the largest multi-ethnic political party in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992 and 2015. Member of Club de Madrid-The World Leadership Alliance and World Academy of Arts and Sciences. Founder of the Shared Societies and Values Foundation Sarajevo. Since 1989, Dr. Lagumdžija is professor of Management and Information Technologies at University of Sarajevo, and visiting professor of different universities in Europe, Asia and America. Member of numerous International Boards and Missions. Ambassador for Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations of ISESCO.
by Editor | Feb 21, 2021 | News
As the place to host online significant and prestigious events, on February 19, 2021, the AIWS Palace at AIWS City hosted its first Panel for AI International Intelligence (AIIA).
The preeminent speakers present were Governor Michael Dukakis; former Latvian and Club de Madrid President Vaira Vike-Freiberga; former Prime Minister of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Zlatko Lagumdzija; Japanese State Minister Yasuhide Nakayama; Professor Nazli Choucri, MIT; Merve Hitkok, the founder of AIEthicist and one of 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics 2021; and Andrew W. Wyckoff, the Director of the OECD’s Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI).
The moderator of the Panel for AI International Accord was Douglas Frantz, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, author, and former Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD. Frantz served as Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs in the Obama administration.
by Editor | Feb 21, 2021 | News
President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, World Leader for Peace and Cybersecurity Award gave a broad overview of the essential concerns that face us in connection with an AI International Accord. Some principles or guidelines for the strongest nations should be developed – civil society needs to continue to have a voice and think tanks like the MDI should work towards a new Social Contract to insure this. Furthermore, the general economy and human rights are two main concerns in regards to AI. The awareness and interest of society needs to be captured to invoke long term thinking in regards to AI.
Professor Choucri started by touching on challenges, opportunities and imperatives that AI poses.
- How to establish stable principles and processes in a context that is rapidly changing
- No longer just governments, also private sectors, NGOs and individuals
- Figuring out what has worked best when, how and why in regards to international agreements and frameworks?
- Lines of cleavages have not yet been drawn, it is still fluid. We have potential to find ways to cooperate and transform these cleavages
- Governments do not really control AI realm, there are also many private actors
- How to regulate without dampening innovation
She ended by stating that the most immediate path is to take into account and connect with other constituencies that like us are trying to respond to AI reality, that we need a multi-stakeholder support system.
by Editor | Feb 21, 2021 | Global Alliance for Digital Governance, Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital, Event Updates
Governor Michael Dukakis, Professor Nazli Choucri, President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Prime Minister Zlatko, State Minister Yasuhide Nakayama, Ms. Merve Hitkok, and Mr. Andrew W. Wyckoff spoke and discussed at the first panel for AI International Accord on February 19, 2021.
Pulitzer-winning journalist and former Assistant Secretary of State Douglas Frantz moderated the Panel.
Boston Global Forum is the first organization to build a framework of an international accord on Artificial Intelligence. This panel is the first of this initiative.
Governor Michael Dukakis opened the panel by expressing a message of hope. He emphasized the hope of possibility to collaborate with the new administration in the USA and hoped to return to a spirit of international collaboration.
Professor Choucri started by touching on the challenges, opportunities, and imperatives that AI poses.
- How to establish stable principles and processes in a context that is rapidly changing
- No longer just governments, also private sectors, NGOs and individuals
- Figuring out what has worked best when, how and why in regards to international agreements and frameworks?
- Lines of cleavages have not yet been drawn, it is still fluid. We have potential to find ways to cooperate and transform these cleavages
- Governments do not really control AI realm, there are also many private actors
- How to regulate without dampening innovation
She concluded by stating that the most immediate path is to take into account and connect with other constituencies that are trying to respond to AI reality as well. We need a multi-stakeholder support system.
AI Ethicist Merve Hickok emphasized the importance of building alliances and accountability structures to hold actors accountable. She further touched on the report “Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values- AISCI 2020” by the Center for AI and Digital Policy of Michael Dukakis Institute and the importance of monitoring the activities of governments and companies.
Michael Dukakis also emphasized the need to help all countries not just the non-democratic ones. There is a new state of world affairs and new technologies are helping to spread disinformation which also strongly affects countries like the USA. There is a need for be global solutions that also help democratic countries as they are also struggling with this new state of affairs.
by Editor | Feb 15, 2021 | News
At this point, many segments of the international community have already begun to respond to the serious challenges posed by cyber access, big data, technological development, and devious uses of all forms of “virtual” communication and exchange. Among the most responses are the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and the EU General Directives that signal specific policies to protect the integrity of information and the values that support this integrity.
To date, however, little attention has been paid to the challenges surrounding the development and applications of Artificial intelligence (AI), and even less to the need for coordinated policy responses. The rates of change in AI innovations and applications far exceed our ability to fully appreciate the potentials for threat in an area that remains beyond the scope of international management.
In response to such challenges, this Panel is convened—under the leadership of Governor Michael Dukakis and President Ursula von der Leyen—to addresses foundational concepts and conditions, as well as procedural, operational, and driving principles for an emergent AI International Accord.
The purpose of the Panel for AI International Accord is to:
- Create an initial framework for the AI International Accord
- Establish a Democratic Alliance for Digital Governance focused on supporting to support the AI International Accord and the Social Contract for the AI Age.
- Design a Monitoring System to observe all abuses in applications of AI by private and public entities, and to identify notable violations of an emergent AI International Accord and of the Social Contract for the AI Age.
- Provide an initial “proof of concept” – in terms of implementation and operations in practice – focused on AIWS City.
- Explore potentials for reviewing and regulating potential deviances or damage created by algorithm development and implementation.
Latvian and WLA-CdM former President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, World Leader for Peace and Security Award recipient 2019, and Professor Nazli Choucri (MIT), Board of Leaders of AIWS City will speak at the Panel on this accord.