The standards for AI International Accord and challenges to implementation

The standards for AI International Accord and challenges to implementation

Members of AI International Accord Team are discussing its standards and challenges in its implementation.

The standards are based off the Social Contract for the AI Age, the foundation for a peaceful, secure, and prosperous world in the AI Age. Only with these standards could the AI International Accord will solve problems of AI and Digital Age.

However, there are challenges to the implementation of these standards, most notably non-democratic countries such as China. If the democratic world does not unite and act in solidarity to protect the norm, it will face great danger of totalitarianism. To contribute to that solidarity, the Global Alliance for Digital Governance is the beginning of the important effort and mission.

Eva Kaili is the lead speaker at the Panel “Toward an International Accord: Global Alliance for Digital Governance” of the CdM-BGF Policy Lab

Eva Kaili is the lead speaker at the Panel “Toward an International Accord: Global Alliance for Digital Governance” of the CdM-BGF Policy Lab

For 2021, CdM in partnership with BGF will organize a Policy Lab on Fundamental Rights in AI & Digital Societies: Towards an International Accord. This Policy Lab will be organized online, September 7-9. On a multistakeholder basis, discussions will focus on:

  • Opportunities and threats for fundamental rights in AI & digital societies;
  • Transatlantic approaches to protect fundamental rights in AI & digital spaces;
  • The elements & process for an international legal framework to protect fundamental rights in AI & digital spaces.
  • The elements & process for an international legal framework to protect fundamental rights in AI & digital spaces, toward AI International Accord.
  • Concept and Ecosystem for Digital and AI Society
  • Global Alliance for Digital Governance

Eva Kaili, Member of European Parliament, Chair of Center for AI of the European Parliament, and coordinator of Global Alliance for Digital Governance, will be a lead speaker at the panel “Toward an International Accord: Global Alliance for Digital Governance” of the Policy lab.

Aside from Boston Global Forum thinkers and Club de Madrid Members, the Policy Lab will also gather representatives of governments, academic institutions and think tanks, tech companies, and civil society. The outcome —a set of policy recommendations on building an international legal framework to protect fundamental rights in AI and digital spaces— will be shared with national governments and decision-makers in multilateral organizations, amongst others, so as to better inform the debate.

World Leaders contribute to the book “Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment”

World Leaders contribute to the book “Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment”

Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment was officially released on Boston Global Forum and the United Nations Centennial Initiative. We are grateful to World Leader Award recipients that contributed:

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, 2020 World Leader for Peace and Security Award, An AI Ecosystem of Trust

Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, 6th President of Latvia (1999-2007), President of World Leadership Alliance – Club de Madrid (WLA-CdM) 2013-2019, 2019 World Leader for Peace and Security Award, AI in the next century of the United Nations

Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations (1/1/2007 – 31/12/2016), Lead the UNESCO Global Education First Initiative, 2016 World Leader for Peace and Security Award, Building Partnerships

Shinzō Abe, Prime Minister of Japan (9/2006-9/2007, 12/2012-9/2020), 2015 World Leader for Peace and Security Award.

Vint Cerf, “Father of the Internet”, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist for Google, Co-author of Social Contract for the AI Age, 2019 World Leader in AI Society Award, A People-Centered Economy

Judea Pearl, Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Cognitive Systems Lab at the University of California, Los Angeles, recipient of the A.M. Turing Award, 2020 World Leader in AI World Society Award. Radical Empiricism and Machine Learning Research and The Domestication of Causal Reasoning

Stavros Lambrinidis, Ambassador of the European Union to the United States, 2021 World Leader in AI World Society Award, An AI “Bill of Rights” in the Digital Age

“Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment” will be a part of the AIWS Leadership Master Program

“Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment” will be a part of the AIWS Leadership Master Program

The Academic Board of AIWS Leadership Master Program will use Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment as an official course for the program from the 2021-2022 academic year. Some distinguished contributors of the book will teach this course and speak to students.

Distinguished Contributors include:

  • Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan
  • Ash Carter, Former US Secretary of Defense
  • Vint Cerf, “Father of the Internet”, Google
  • Nazli Choucri, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Ramu Damodaran, Chief of United Nations Academic Impact
  • Michael Dukakis, Former Governor of Massachusetts, Chair, Boston Global Forum
  • Eva Kaili, Member of the European Parliament
  • Robin Kelly, U.S. Representative (Illinois),
  • Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations Secretary-General
  • Taro Kono, Defense Minister, Japan
  • Stavros Lambrinidis, EU Ambassador to the United States
  • Ursula von der Leyen, President of European Commission
  • Yasuhide Nakayama, Defense State Minister, Japan
  • Andreas Norlén, Speaker, Swedish Parliament
  • Joseph Nye, Harvard University
The Global Alliance for Digital Governance plan 2021-2022

The Global Alliance for Digital Governance plan 2021-2022

On July 15, 2021, BGF and AIWS established the Global Alliance for Digital Governance (GADG). GADG will:

  • Coordinate of resources: governments, international organizations, corporations, think tanks, civil society, and influencers for AI and a digital sphere for good, to make these resources more effective, to synthesize and maximize their impact, and to create more implementation-oriented conferences.
  • Protect fundamental values and standards proposed in Social Contract for the AI Age, in AI International Accord and in the book Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment.

Planned projects in 2021 – 2022:

Using AIWS Innovation Platform to:

  • Create lists of governments, organizations, companies, leaders, and thinkers that follow GADG’s mission.
  • Collect information:
    • Goals, purposes
    • Research, pieces, initiatives, plans, events, and conferences
    • Human resources and financial capital.
    • Impacts and influences of individuals
    • Their difficulties and challenges
    • Contact information of leaders

In 2021 – 2022, focus on:

  • Governments: USA, Japan, EU, Finland, Sweden, Australia, UK, Canada, Germany, France.
  • International organizations: UN, OECD, UNESCO, Club de Madrid, IPAC, GPAI, Atlantic Council, and World Economic Forum.
  • Significant conferences: Munich Conference and Riga Conference.
  • Businesses: Google, the Patrick McGovern Foundation etc.

Influencers, Coordinators of GADG will connect these resources for the mission, as well as suggesting ideas and actions to engage organizations, leaders, and governments to optimize resources to create a more powerful impact.

“Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment” officially available for download

“Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment” officially available for download

On July 15, 2021, the book Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment, was officially posted on Boston Global Forum and United Nations Centennial Initiative for download.

The book proposes pathways toward a more humane, peaceful, and secure world, largely by harnessing the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain, and other Digital Age technologies.

Distinguished contributors to the book include:

  • Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan
  • Ash Carter, Former US Secretary of Defense
  • Vint Cerf, “Father of the Internet”, Google
  • Nazli Choucri, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Ramu Damodaran, Chief of United Nations Academic Impact
  • Michael Dukakis, Former Governor of Massachusetts, Chair, Boston Global Forum
  • Eva Kaili, Member of the European Parliament
  • Robin Kelly, U.S. Representative (Illinois),
  • Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations Secretary-General
  • Didzis Kļaviņš, University of Latvia
  • Taro Kono, Defense Minister, Japan
  • Zlatko Lagumdzija, Former Prime Minister, Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Stavros Lambrinidis, EU Ambassador to the United States
  • Ursula von der Leyen, President of European Commission
  • Yasuhide Nakayama, Defense State Minister, Japan
  • Paul Nemitz, Principal Advisor, European Commission
  • Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO, Boston Global Forum
  • Andreas Norlén, Speaker, Swedish Parliament
  • Joseph Nye, Harvard University
  • Zaneta Ozolina, University of Latvia, Co-Chair of Riga Conference
  • Thomas Patterson, Harvard University
  • Judea Pearl, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • Alex “Sandy” Pentland, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Sir Iain Duncan Smith, MP, UK Parliament
  • Vaira Vike-Freiberga, President of World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid, Former President of Latvia

Here is the link:

Starting to build the AIWS Global Enlightenment Program

Starting to build the AIWS Global Enlightenment Program

In the book Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment, a Global Enlightenment Program is a part of the AIWS Ecosystem, the Global Alliance for Digital Governance (GADG), and fundamental to AIWS City. Content of this program is proposed:

  1. Rights and responsibilities of a global citizen – the Social Contract for the AI Age
  2. AIWS Value System
  3. Resources and assets of a citizen:
  • Knowledge, innovations, creativity
  • Basics of history
  • World culture
  • Nature beauty
  • The Arts
  • Moral, ethics, honesty, tolerance
  • Friends, communities, networks
  1. Tools, apps, platforms:
  • Apps and tools for life and work
  • AIWS Innovation Exchange Platform
  1. Set up a path for life
  2. Lifelong learning, problem-solving, innovation, and creativity

We call on educators and innovators to contribute their ideas for the AIWS Global Enlightenment Program.

If you have any ideas, suggestions, please send email to [email protected]

Vint Cerf will speak at the AIWS City Panel in AI World Executive Summit

Vint Cerf will speak at the AIWS City Panel in AI World Executive Summit

On July 14 at 2:35 PM EDT, Father of Internet Vint Cerf, contributor to the book Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment, 2019 World Leader in AI World Society, will speak about the People-Centered Economy.

Here is Vint Cerf’s message in the book:

We will need an international call for an operation in order to induce and introduce this people-centeredness into the use of artificial intelligence, because we will and use these techniques on a global scale. The internet has already penetrated about 50% or more of the world and of course as the chief internet evangelist of google, I’m hoping that it will be possible for everyone to get access to the internet before the end of this decade and certainly by 2045, if they want access to it. It would not occur to me to force anyone to use the internet, but I would like it to be accessible, available, sustainable, affordable, and useful for anyone who wishes to use it.

So now we have to figure out what the international agreements are going to be, not only to deal with the abuses of the internet and its applications, but also the potential abuses of machine learning. And that is going to requirement some deep thought and some deep understanding and some dependence on technologists who are much smart than I am, about how those technologies could be abused and what we can do to both detect and defend against that. And so as we design a people-centered and artificially intelligent world, where the tools get smarter and smarter, we will have to think our way through exactly that set of problems. And so those of you who are on this call and those that you will talk to afterwards, I say to you how important it is that we get this right, that we consider how to effect, a good effect and how we make sure that if they are abused, that we detect and defend against that. And so that’s quite a challenge and charge to give to this group but your histories already tell us you are capable of dealing with charges like this and that’s why you’ve been assembled today to talk about this problem and the promise of artificial intelligence and the problems that it may introduce.

AI International Accord: establishing the Global Alliance for Digital Governance

AI International Accord: establishing the Global Alliance for Digital Governance

Leaders and governments have perceptions about threats from totalitarian governments abusing technology, AI, and the digital sphere. There are awareness and debates already, now it is time for actions.

Fundamental for a peaceful, secure, prosperous world: governments, corporations, organizations, and people need to respect and apply values and standards proposed in Social Contract for the AI Age, in AI International Accord and in the book Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment.

The world lacks a coordinator of resources: governments, international organizations, corporations, think tanks, civil society, influencers for these purposes and goals.

BGF and AIWS propose an initiative to meet this need: establishing Global Alliance for Digital Governance (GADG). This is a part of Social Contract for the AI Age, AI International Accord and BGF Conference of July 1st, 2020.

GADG is not an organization – it is a network for sharing and cooperating between resources, coordinated by BGF and AIWS.

Governor Michael Dukakis, co-founder and Chair of The Boston Global Forum (BGF), and Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of BGF and GADG team, will connect and coordinate with resources for this mission and goal.

GADG call on governments, organizations, corporations, influencers, educators, innovators, creators, and all to join GADG for this cause.

Meaningful contributions will be recognized by AIWS Rewards.

We will introduce more details of Global Alliance for Digital Governance in the Weekly next weeks.

Contact: [email protected]