Nazli Choucri, MIT GSSD, and AIWS Natural AI

Nazli Choucri, MIT GSSD, and AIWS Natural AI

Nazli Choucri stands as a Global Enlightenment Leader, a distinguished contributor to the book "Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment." She holds the position of Professor of Political Science at MIT and serves as the Director of the Global System...

How AlphaZero has rewritten the rules of game play on its own

How AlphaZero has rewritten the rules of game play on its own

Silver’s latest creation, AlphaZero, learns to play board games including Go, chess, and Shogi by practicing against itself. Through millions of practice games, AlphaZero discovers strategies that it took humans millennia to develop. So could AI one day solve problems...

Enterprise AI: Data Analytics, Data Science and Machine Learning

Enterprise AI: Data Analytics, Data Science and Machine Learning

Jay Boisseau, Ph.D., and Lucase Wilson, Ph.D., who are Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategist and researcher at Dell EMC, described some fundamental technologies and processes that enable enterprises to put AI to transform their businesses. In the article, they...

Cedric Villani builds AI Strategy for France and EU

Cedric Villani builds AI Strategy for France and EU

Cedric Villani, a mathematician, and politician who won the Field Prize will lead a team to build a meaningful artificial intelligence strategy for France and Europe. Here is some keynote of the strategy: Building a Data-Focused Economic Policy AI heavyweights such as...