Representatives of the French Government, French Consul General at Boston Arnaud Mentre received the Artificial Intelligence Society Initiative for the 2019 G7 Summit.
The AIWS – G7 Summit Initiative was announced on April 25, 2019 at AIWS-G7 Summit Conference at Loeb House, Harvard University.
The Initiative is The Next Generation Democracy – AI World Society. The AIWS Model envisions a society where creativity, innovation, tolerance, democracy, the rule of law, and individual rights are recognized and promoted, where AI is used to assist and improve government decision-making, and where AI is a mean of giving citizens a larger voice in governing.
The AIWS-G7 Summit Initiative has three parts: AI-Government, AI-Citizen, and AI Government Index.
The co-authors are Governor Michael Dukakis, Chairman of the Boston Global Forum; Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of Boston Global Forum; David Bray, Executive Director of The People-Centered Internet coalition; Professor Nazli Choucri, MIT; Professor Thomas Creely, Naval War College; Mr. Paul Nemitz, Principal Advisor, Directorate General for Justice and Consumers, the European Commission; Professor Thomas Patterson, Harvard; David Silbersweig, Harvard; President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, President of World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid; and Mr.Kazuo Yano, Chief Engineering of Hitachi.
Consul General of France Arnaud Mentre received the AIWS-G7 Summit Initiative at the Conference.