
Book Review: Who Stole the American Dream? – Hedrick Smith

Pulitzer Prize-winning former reporter and editor for The New York Times, Emmy Award-winning producer for PBS’ show Frontline and author of five best-selling books, Hedrick Smith, explains what happened to America’s economy after WWII in his book Who Stole the...

American Retailers form The Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety

In a story ‘Wal-Mart, Gap, Others Agree to Boost Worker Safety in Bangladesh’ published on July 10, 2013, by William Mauldin from Dow Jones, reflects the efforts by Wal-Mart and other leading American retailers to bolster worker safety efforts in Bangladesh, although...

Former US President candidate talks peace in Hanoi

Wish for a peaceful world and a developed US during President Obama’s second term was the main content of a talk between the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Administration and former US President candidate Michael Dukakis in Hanoi on April 9. Prof....