by Editor | Oct 11, 2021 | Event Updates
The United Nations Centennial initiative was launched by the Boston Global Forum (BGF) and the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) in 2019 as the United Nations planned to mark the 75th anniversary the following year. It brought into its fold some of the finest minds of our times as they sought to anticipate the world, and the United Nations, in 2045, the year of the world organization’s centennial. The core concepts of the initiative are reflected in the book “Remaking the World: Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment”; these include the idea of a social contract for the Artificial Intelligence (AI) age, a framework for an AI international accord, an ecosystem for the “AI World Society” (AIWS) and a community innovation economy. Some of these ideas have already begun to be put into practice, including a Global Alliance for Digital Governance and the evolution of AIWS City, a virtual digital city dedicated to promoting the values associated with AIWS.
This session will discuss concepts of the book to build the Age of Global Enlightenment, and the particular role of the Baltic States – who celebrate thirty years of United Nations membership this year-in this regard.
Dr Vaira Vīķe- Freiberga, President of the Republic of Latvia from 1999 to 2007
Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of the Boston Global Forum, Director of the Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation, Co-Founder of the AI World Society Innovation Network, Co-Founder of AIWS City
Paul F. Nemitz, Director for Fundamental rights and Union citizenship in the Directorate-General for JUSTICE of the European Commission
Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland, Director of the Human Dynamics Laboratory, MIT’s, Director of the MIT Media Lab Entrepreneurship Program, Co-Leader of The World Economic Forum Big Data and Personal Data Initiatives, Founding Member of The Advisory Boards for Nissan, Motorola Mobility, Telefonica
Thomas Patterson, Bradlee Professor of Government and the Press, Harvard University, Research Director of The Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation, Co-founder of the Boston Global Forum.
Moderator: Prof Žaneta Ozoliņa, Chairwoman of the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation
16:00-17:30 Riga time (UTC+2)
This discussion is a special side event of the Rīga Conference 2021 which is co-organised by the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation and the Boston Global Forum.
Link to the event:
by Editor | Oct 3, 2021 | News
The United Nations Centennial Initiative defines concepts, principles, and standards for a flagship city in the Age of Global Enlightenment:
- Innovations: a place to birth significant and pioneering initiatives to shape the Age of Global Enlightenment.
- Support for Standards of the Social Contract for the AI Age.
- Contribute to build the Age of Global Enlightenment.
- Educations: excellent education system that supports concepts and principles of the Age of Global Enlightenment; more than half of citizens of city have perceptions and live with the Global Enlightenment Education Program.
- The city has mechanism to support for its citizens so they can create and innovate in the Community Innovation Economy platform (AIWS Innovation Ecosystem).
Boston is a flagship city in the Age of Global Enlightenment. It is the birth city of AI World Society, the United Nations Centennial Initiative, pioneering ideas of Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment, and AIWS City. Boston meets all requirements below, and deserves the title of flagship city of the Age of Global Enlightenment.
H.E. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, President of Croatia (2015-2020), spoke at the UN Centennial Roundtable on September 24, 2021 with Governor Michael Dukakis and Harvard professors at Boston Global Forum.
by Editor | Oct 3, 2021 | News
The session to discuss about pioneering ideas and concepts of the book Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment will be moderated by Prof Žaneta Ozoliņa, Chairwoman of the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation, who also is a distinguished contributor of the book. President of Latvia (1999-2007) Vaira Vike-Freiberga, a distinguished contributor of the book will be a lead and keynote speaker of the panel.
Here is some information on the event:
Economy: Community Innovation Economy
Dr Vaira Vīķe- Freiberga, President of the Republic of Latvia from 1999 to 2007
Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of the Boston Global Forum, Director of the Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation, Co-Founder of the AI World Society Innovation Network, Co-Founder of AIWS City
Paul F. Nemitz, Director for Fundamental rights and Union citizenship in the Directorate-General for JUSTICE of the European Commission
Alex `Sandy’ Pentland, Director of the Human Dynamics Laboratory, MIT’s, Director of the MIT Media Lab Entrepreneurship Program, Co-Leader of The World Economic Forum Big Data and Personal Data Initiatives, Founding Member of The Advisory Boards for Nissan, Motorola Mobility, Telefonica
Moderator: Prof Žaneta Ozoliņa, Chairwoman of the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation.
by Editor | Oct 3, 2021 | News
Governor Michael Dukakis, Professors Thomas Patterson, David Silbersweig, Nazli Choucri, President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Prime Minister Zlatko Lagumdzija, Nguyen Anh Tuan, Ramu Damodaran, and other distinguished leaders and educators discussed to create the Framework of Global Enlightenment Education program, and its sub-committees of its. Framework of the program based on its principles and missions:
Educating citizens who will build the Age of Global Enlightenment, that are able to create, innovate, and master their own lives, have the tolerant and kindness mindset and ability to create lives globally, have honest, sincere, tolerant, and noble personalities.
Helping citizens have a right, positive, and beautiful mindset about life, and encourage their passions and interests to create a good life, work, and career for themselves in the Age of Global Enlightenment. Each citizen is guided and helped to be able to live and establish a career in developed countries such as the US, European Union, G7, or OECD countries, or they live in their home countries, can connect with and to have the opportunity to exchange values, work, and do business with developed countries in the Age of Global Enlightenment. It also creates an environment for each citizen to connect with the flagship cities of the Age of Global Enlightenment.
The Global Enlightenment Education Program is an important part of the United Nations Centennial Initiative. It is a fundamental to building the Age of Global Enlightenment.
by Editor | Oct 3, 2021 | News
Speaker of Swedish Parliament Andereas Norlen, Governor Michael Dukakis, Former US Acting Secretary of Commerce Cameron Kerry, Australian Senator Kimberley Kitching and other distinguished leaders will talk and discuss at the Symposium about Framework for Global Law on AI and Digital.
December 12, 2021
08:00 EST / 14:00 CET
Venue: Loeb House, Harvard University and online
The symposium will discuss principles of Global Law on AI and Digital, a part of the United Nations Centennial Initiative and Global Alliance for Digital Governance. This is a joint initiative between the Boston Global Forum and World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid.
US Senators Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and Rob Portman (R-OH), co-founders of the Senate Artificial Intelligence Caucus, are announcing two bipartisan pieces of legislation to strengthen the U.S. government’s artificial intelligence (AI) readiness and tosupport long-term investments in AI ethics and safety research, as well as increase governmental AI transparency.
US Senator Mark Warner, chairman of the US senate’s intelligence committee, wants Washington to work with allies on setting digital rules.
To prepare for the Symposium, a sub-committee of Boston Global Forum and World Leadership Alliance – Club de Madrid will create a Framework for Global Law on AI and Digital.
by Editor | Sep 26, 2021 | Event Updates
On September 24, President of Croatia (2015-2020) Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, member of Nizami Ganjavi International Center, visited and discussed with Governor Michael Dukakis and leaders of the Boston Global Forum.
President Grabar-Kitarović expressed enthusiasm that the city of Dubrovnik, with the young, open-minded mayor Mato Franković, can be a satellite city of AIWS City. BGF can provide advice for Dubrovnik in building AI infrastructure and legislations, while Dubrovnik can be an ally of the AI International Accord and Law and Global Alliance for Digital Alliance. Governor Michael Dukakis invited President Grabar-Kitarovic to join the initiative of BGF in Global Alliance for Digital Governance and Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital.
This visit of President Grabar-Kitarovic opens a new road for opportunities between Croatia and Boston Global Forum, especially in works to apply AIWS Ecosystem and Community Innovation Economy.
by Editor | Sep 26, 2021 | News
On August 4, 2021, Forbes published the article:
Developing Coherent AI Infrastructure For Smart Cities by Annie Brown
Here is an excerpt from it:
Two initiatives by AIWS that have sparked worldwide interest are the AIWS Ecosystem and AIWS City. Co-founder Tuan Nguyen, an esteemed mathematician, explains the concept of the AIWS Ecosystem in this way: “Many things function with a team of systems. AI makes it possible to need and use only one. Enhanced applications make it possible for people to become innovators.”
Data scientists, technologists and other leaders are supporting a structure of models for facilitating a digital age. As an example of their activities, at the 2020 Riga Conference, leaders from AIWS relayed a new policy brief entitled “Social Contract for the Artificial Intelligence Age: Safety, Security, and Sustainability for the AI World.”
AIWS has a growing presence in Paris, Rome, Riga, Vienna, Munich, and now further west into the United States. This body could make it possible for every person to have access to AI tools that make their lives better and easier. In fact, it is their stated mission to provide support to urban environments, but also to rural areas, reducing inequality and connecting people to centralized tools and information.
The City of the Future
Emergency services, community improvements, infrastructure, and the very roads that convey vital goods could all be enhanced by AI-fueled technologies. Some of the simplest ideas have the potential to go the furthest. Dedicated leaders are committed to using AI in safe, thoughtful, and tested ways. Their shared goal? To improve the quality of life for every person in every community around the world.
by Editor | Sep 26, 2021 | News
Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of the Boston Global Forum (BGF), presented AIWS Ecosystem as a solution to reduce inequality in Post Covid Era at the High-Level Meeting – Exclusive Side Event to the UN General Assembly “What does Peace and Stability mean in 21st Century?”
The Speakers are 16 presidents and prime ministers around Europe and Mr. Miguel Angel Moratinos, Under-Secretary General, High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC).
This High-Level Meeting took place on September 20, 2021 in New York City.
Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan highlighted concepts of the book Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment that can reduce inequality via two fields:
- Pioneering thinking and visions: developing countries’ inequality in thinking and visions, as they always wait for wait developed countries to lead first. Togetherness and pioneering in building an Age of Global Enlightenment will bring them ahead.
- Economy development: AIWS Ecosystem with concepts of Community Innovation Economy will help and bring opportunities for every citizen to become innovators and will reduce inequality in business and economic opportunities.
AIWS City is a practical model for this strategy. To succeed, countries and citizens should apply Global Enlightenment Education Program.
Mr. Nguyen also introduce Global Alliance for Digital Governance and its first project: Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital Spheres.
Governor Michael Dukakis, co-founder and chair of the Boston Global Forum, presented a video message about Peace and Stability for the World in the Age of Global Enlightenment.
by Editor | Sep 26, 2021 | News
On September 24, 2021, HE. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, President of Croatia (2015-2020) gave a keynote speech at the United Nations Centennial Roundtable. Governor Michael Dukakis, co-founder and Chair of the Boston Global Forum (BGF), was moderator, with CEO of BGF Nguyen Anh Tuan, and Harvard Professors Thomas Patterson and David Silbersweig as panelists.
Here are some highlights from her speech:
- Inequality of access to the internet is in itself a human right issue
- Many challenges relating to demographics:
- Education
- Health
- Employment
- Any sort of global accord has to be a “coalition of the willing,” not just of big powers. Small countries with relationships with various superstates are important links/glue/nodes in the network. For example, when two superstates have conflicts, the small countries with good relationships to both contending superstates can resolve the conflicts.
- Therefore, the AI International Accord and Law can work on regional cooperation as stepping stone towards global cooperation.
The path “Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment” has, at its foundations, six essential anchors upon which to develop and build viable futures for current and all generations to come – here and everywhere.
- The Political and Social Order: Based on the Social Contract for the Age of Artificial Intelligence supported accountability and responsibility
- National Law and Global Order: Framed with International Law and Global Accord for Ai and adaptations to the Digital era
- Economic Activity with Creativity: Built upon innovation by, and for society, community, and individuals: Community Innovation Economy.
- Dominant Cultural Norms: Tolerance for diversity, mutual support, respect, and recognition of the value of each individual
- Education Principles: Pursuit of basic science, technology, social sciences, humanities and other knowledge forms, shaping thinking and innovating to articulate a Global Enlightenment Education Program
- Information & Communication: Open forms of discourse, support for diverse platforms of communication, respect for accuracy with accountability