
Statement of Boston Global Forum in actions to build AI Legal Framework, AI International Accord for global security
May 29, 2023 Boston, MA Since 2017, Boston Global Forum (BGF) has been a pioneer and has been tireless in building a 7-layer model to apply AI responsibly for a better world: AI World Society (AIWS) to shape futures of global security. Now, it is urgent to take...

Manifesto “AIWS Actions to create an Age of Global Enlightenment”
Harvard University, Loeb House, November 22, 2022 I. Fundamentals and Accompanying the United Nations: Creating an Age of Global Enlightenment is based on the AIWS model whose core and pillars were introduced in the book “Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global...
Rethink Robotics suddenly closes their business
Rethink failed a deal with a Chinese company and fell into a bad financial situation. Rethink Robotics was a pioneer in building...
Boston Global Forum report: Global Cybersecurity Day 2016
Preventing Cyber Conflict: A 21st Century Challenge Allan Cytryn, Nazli Choucri, Michael Dukakis, Ryan C. Maness, Tuan Nguyen,...
Preventing Cyber Conflict: A 21st Century Challenge Allan Cytryn, Nazli Choucri, Michael Dukakis, Ryan C. Maness, Tuan Nguyen, Derek...
Abe cites sense of economic ‘crisis’
(May 30th, 2016) G7 Summit host Shinzo Abe, the Japanese prime minister, said he and the other leaders of the most important...
Boston Global Forum’s Initiative: Pacific Security Alliance to maintain peace in South China Sea
Cambridge, MA (Oct 17, 2015): Boston Global Forum hosted an international conference on October 16 at Harvard Faculty Club to seek...
Fact, Fiction and the South China Sea
A recently published article on Asia Sentinel by Bill Hayton, a journalist at BBC World News TV, showed many misconceptions that have...
Transcript: Framework for Peace and Security in the Pacific in September 17 Conference
MODERATORS Governor Michael Dukakis – Co-Founder, Chairman, Boston Global Forum Joseph S. Nye, Jr. – Member of Board of Thinkers,...
Transcript:Building a Framework for Peace and Security in the Pacific-100 years World war I:Lessons for Future
(BGF) - On August 4,the Boston Global Forum is pleased that its second conference on the topic of “Building a Framework for Peace and...
LIVE STREAMING: Building a Framework for Peace and Security in the Pacific
(BGF) – On July 2, we had an international online conference to build a Framework for peace and security in the Pacific as an effort...
Governor Michael Dukakis introduces BGF Online Conference to resolve conflicts in the Pacific
(BGF) - In the light of current conflicts in the East and South China Sea, the BGF launched an initiative to help ease the tension on...
Boston Global Forum Initiative’s Online Conference
Over the past two years, the world has watched tensions escalate in the East and South China Sea. Recent activities have further...