While Ukraine fights on and continues making small gains in its incursion into Kursk Oblast against Russia, this offensive has revealed many topics of interests for the Four Pillars: Ukraine keeps crossing Russia’s red lines. Putin keeps blinking. [Washington Post]...
BGF and POW Partnership for G20 – Women Leadership in the Age of AI and AIWS
After a successful debut in 2023, Power Of Women (POW) has partnered with G20 Social, W20, and Civil 20 in 2024 to broaden social participation in the G20 forum, with an eye on the role of women and their allies. This year, the 2nd Digital Power Of Women (DPOW)...
Professor Alex Pentland’s highlights at “Peace for the Global Enlightenment Age”
“And a lot of the focus that we have is in taking the two centuries old idea of census data and augmenting it to have richer census data. So, the census data is something that it’s hard to appreciate, but any sort of modern management of society, government services...
BGF, MIT Connection Science, and professor Alex Pentland to co-organize high level discussion of the United Nations Centennial Initiative at Stanford University
The Boston Global Forum (BGF), MIT Connection Science, and professor Alex Pentland will co-organize the high-level discussion “Teach for Peace,” as a part of the United Nations Centennial Initiative at Stanford University in November 2022. Professor Alex Sandy...
How to solve AI’s “common sense” problem
"In their new book Machines Like Us, computer scientists Ronald J. Brachman and Hector J. Levesque discuss their view and potential solution to this missing piece of the AI puzzle, which has eluded researchers for decades. In an interview with TechTalks, Brachman...
Official launching of the website Shinzo Abe Initiative for Peace and Security at Abe.AIWS.City
On September 26, 2022, one day before national funeral of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Boston Global Forum officially launches the website Shinzo Abe Initiative for Peace and Security at Abe.AIWS.city. We invite people to pray for Shinzo Abe by sending words,...
Developing countries must have the data to fight climate crisis
Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland, a Global Enlightenment Leader, join with other thought leaders in a letter to the Financial Times: “Developing countries must have the data to fight climate crisis.”
Remarks of Ramu Damodaran on International Day of Peace
Ramu Damodaran, co-chair of UN Centennial Initiative, the first Chief of UN Academic Impact, and a Distinguished Contributor of Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment, presented opening remarks at BGF online high-level panel “Peace for the Global...