The Pillars’ domestic frictions: Four Pillars mini

The Pillars’ domestic frictions: Four Pillars mini

Outside of international collaboration between states, the Pillars also have to manage and navigate their own internal frictions and affairs. Let us take a look at the handful of discourses plaguing the Pillars domestically: How NAFTA Broke American Politics [New York...

Nguyen Anh Tuan on KTV about Nha Trang Spark Initiative

Nguyen Anh Tuan on KTV about Nha Trang Spark Initiative

BGF CEO Nguyen Anh Tuan to Highlight Nha Trang Spark on Vietnam National Day 2024 On Vietnam National Day, September 2, 2024, at 4:00 pm Vietnam time, Boston Global Forum (BGF) CEO Nguyen Anh Tuan and Mark Kennedy, Director of the Wilson Center’s Wahba Institute for...

Monitoring Big Tech on the Standards of Social Contract for the AI Age

Monitoring Big Tech on the Standards of Social Contract for the AI Age

Big companies, especially tech companies, have very powerful and profound political influence in the world today. The Social Contract for the AI Age demonstrated the need to balance powers of companies. To practice and apply the Social Contract for the AI Age, Michael...

AI World Society Announces History of AI 2020 Awards

AI World Society Announces History of AI 2020 Awards

RELEASE: December 31, 2020 1200 EST / 1800 CET   AI World Society Announces History of AI 2020 Awards   BOSTON – The AI World Society today announced the History of AI 2020 Awards. The HAI Awards recognize people and achievements in the AI world that are...