To improve the regulation of Artificial Intelligence, the UK government have put forth an AI rulebook to protect data and promote responsible AI use. These proposals, pitched in the AI rulebook, look toward the future regulation of Artificial Intelligence, and take a...
The Quiet, Compelling Leadership of Shinzo Abe
Roger B. Porter The stunning, senseless death of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe by an assassins’ bullet in Nara illuminates the vulnerability of political leaders. Abe’s legacy reminds us of the powerful influence of quiet diplomacy and of how one...
Professor Philip Howard, Director Oxford Internet Institute
Professor Philip Howard, Director Oxford Internet Institute
AIWS Distinguished Lecture at United Nations on UN Charter Day
On United Nations Charter Day, June 26, 2019, AI World Society Distinguished Lecture will be co-organized by the United Nations Academic Impact and the Boston Global Forum as the United Nation Academic Impact Charter Day Lecture at the Headquarter of the United...
The Boston Global Forum (BGF) Is the Strategic Alliance to host the Summit on AI Governance, Big Data and Ethics
The Boston Global Forum (BGF) Is the Strategic Alliance to host a Summit on AI Governance, Big Data and Ethics, a special program of the AI World Government Conference in Washington DC, June 24, 2019. The rapid acceleration of AI has led to a global call for AI...
Agenda of United Nations Academic Impact Charter Day Lecture
Agenda of United Nations Academic Impact Charter Day Lecture Download agenda (PDF) Download agenda (PowerPoint)
TRANSCRIPT OF Professor Alex Sandy’S SPEECH AT AIWS-G7 SUMMIT INITIATIVE OK. Hello. My name's Alex Perry Well I'm a professor at M.I.T.. And I run a group. Called connection science which actually develops techniques and. Open source software. For helping countries. And. Companies. Deal with A.I....
Transcript of Mr. Paul Nemitz’s speech at AIWS-G7 Summit Initiative: Legal concepts for AI – Layer 4 of AI World Society
Legal concepts for AI - Layer 4 of AI World Society "I would say you know the Sun goes down all the line. Today, I have a very very long discussion but we don’t need such discussion on AI when you see it. You know at the same time, I think we evaluate so high...