Independence Day: Governor Dukakis foreword in “Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment”

Independence Day: Governor Dukakis foreword in “Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment”

The book Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment was published in Vietnam bilingually in Vietnamese and English by Tri Thuc Publishing House and presented to Vietnamese leaders and all of members of the National Assembly of Vietnam. Pioneering ideas...

Action plan to block cyberattacks in Vietnam

By Allan M. Cytryn, principal at Risk Masters International, and John E. Savage, An Wang Professor of Computer Science at Brown University. Both are members of The Boston Global Forum. We recommend a series of short- and long-term actions to block cyberattacks in...

Pro-Chinese hackers disrupt Vietnamese aviation

  Hackers, presumably directed by the Chinese government, have attacked the Web site of Vietnam's two biggest airports and its national airline, Vietnam Airlines, with pro-Chinese messages about China's attempts to take control of most of the South China Sea. The...

Search engines and Islamic terrorism

  Google will point Web searches toward anti-radicalization Web sites after a study shows more clearly than before  the role of the search engine, rather than social media, in drawing people to extremist material on the Web. The study is one of the first to...

Experts had warned Democrats about cybersecurity gaps

  Bloomberg reported July 27  that experts had warned the Democratic National Committee  last fall that its computer network was open to attacks by state-sponsored and other hackers but it didn’t follow the  cyberexperts' security advice. The revelation is...

Risk managers worry about cybersecurity in self-driving cars

  Bloomberg reports that cybersecurity "is the biggest concern for companies evaluating risk in the nascent self-driving vehicle industry, according to a survey conducted by Munich Re.'' The  reinsurer found that "55 percent of corporate risk managers surveyed...

Preparations begin for Japanese emperor’s abdication

  Emperor Akihito. The Japanese government has begun work to revise the law governing the imperial family system  to permit an emperor to abdicate. Emperor Akihito wants to abdicate, government sources have said. He has been treated for prostate cancer and heart...