Keynote Speech of Ambassador of Ukraine to USA Oksana Markarova at Ceremony Honoring President Zelensky and all Ukraine people with the World Leader for Peace and Security Award

Keynote Speech of Ambassador of Ukraine to USA Oksana Markarova at Ceremony Honoring President Zelensky and all Ukraine people with the World Leader for Peace and Security Award

April 29, 2022 Dear Governor Dukakis, dear President Levits, dear Speaker Norlen, and all the distinguished guests. I’m so honored and happy to be here today, and to address to the Boston Global Forum. For 65 days, you see how Ukraine is...

ONLINE FESTIVAL “For a Clean and Pure Internet”

ONLINE FESTIVAL “For a Clean and Pure Internet”

(BGF) - Boston Global Forum (BGF) is kicking off its Online Festival on the Global Cybersecurity Day encouraging people around the world to share their original piece of arts online via its Facebook, which are in forms of digital photo, painting, video, stories or...

Boston Global Forum  report: Cybersecurity 2016

Boston Global Forum report: Cybersecurity 2016

(BGF) - With the exponential growth of the information economy since the 1990s, cyber-security has become a top priority for governments and industry world-wide. The Boston Global Forum's Report on Cyber Security 2016, released in the Global Cybersecurity Day which...

McGovern Institute hosts Discussion of Global Cybersecurity Day

McGovern Institute hosts Discussion of Global Cybersecurity Day

(Boston, December 09, 2015) – The Boston Global Forum will launch Global Cybersecurity Day at MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research with an online festival at 2:00 PM on December 11, 2015. The event will be live-streamed at