Professor Hiroshi ESAKI talks about Internet of Design

Professor Hiroshi ESAKI talks about Internet of Design

Professor Hiroshi ESAKI,  Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,The University of Tokyo talks about Internet of Design Professor Hiroshi ESAKI talks about Internet of Design from Boston Global Forum Download power point file

10 Ways Machine Learning Is Revolutionizing Manufacturing In 2019

10 Ways Machine Learning Is Revolutionizing Manufacturing In 2019

The leading growth strategy for manufacturers in 2019 is improving shop floor productivity by investing in machine learning platforms that deliver the insights needed to improve product quality and production yields. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to...

How to enforce policy/regulation. “Trust but verify”

How to enforce policy/regulation. “Trust but verify”

Shaping the future of AI will require new regulation of technology. Some possible directions include restrictions on the collection and use of data, requiring the use of machine learning tools and frameworks that are fair by design, and mandating processes that...