On September 6, 2024, the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi met with Mrs. Abe, wife of former Japanese Prime Minister, Late Shinzo Abe. During the meeting, Shri Modi fondly recalled his close personal friendship with the late Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe and...
Japanese former Defense Minister Yasuhide Nakayama named the coordinator of the Shinzo Abe Initiative for Peace and Security
On January 20, 2023, Boston Global Forum announced that Yasuhide Nakayama has been named the coordinator of the Shinzo Abe Initiative for Peace and Security. The Shinzo Abe Initiative for Peace and Security is an initiative which focuses on promoting peace and...
The Speech of Prime Minister Abe at “The Framework for Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital”
The full text could be read here. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the invitation to speak today. I made a visit to Boston in 2015 as then Prime Minister and have good memories of visiting the Kennedy Library, Harvard University and MIT. How I wish...
Former US Secretary of Commerce Cameron Kerry’s speech at “The Framework for Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital” on December 12, 2021”
Cameron F. Kerry “The Framework for Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital” December 12, 2021 Boston Global Forum It is a pleasure today to honor Andreas Norlén for his work as Speaker of the Swedish Riksdag in hammering out the formation a coalition government. He...
Remarks of Shinzo Abe at Boston Global Forum Symposium December 12, 2021
8th Global Baku Forum 2021 “The world after COVID-19”, Social Contract for the AI Age recommended as standard for international relation
With more than 40 presidents, prime ministers and distinguished leaders and thinkers, under a 3-day agenda, the Global Baku Forum was hosted on November 4-6, 2021. The Social Contract for the AI Age was recommended as a standard for international relation. Here are...
Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment
Remaking the World - The Age of Global Enlightenment is a joint initiative by the Boston Global Forum and the United Nations Academic Impact as part of the United Nations Centennial Initiative. The book proposes pathways toward a more humane, peaceful, and secure...
Ambassador Lambrinidis: “Exploring Social Contract for the AI Age, a Framework to ensure an AI ‘Bill of Rights’ in the digital age, is fundamental in international relations today”
On April 28, 2021, Boston Global Forum hosted the AIWS Award and AI International Accord Roundtable where Ambassador Stavros Lambrinidis was awarded the 2021 World Leader in AI World Society (AIWS) and joined with fellow leaders in innovation to discuss the future of...