The History of AI House at NovaWorld Phan Thiet

The History of AI House at NovaWorld Phan Thiet

On January 31, 2021, Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Director of Michael Dukakis Institute visited NovaWorld Phan Thiet and discussed with NovaWorld Phan Thiet leaders about building a branch of Michael Dukakis Institute and the History of AI House at NovaWorld Phan Thiet. This...

Senior CSAIL Professor joins the History of AI Board

Senior CSAIL Professor joins the History of AI Board

Professor Randall Davis has served as Associate Director of MIT's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (1993-1998), as a Research Director of CSAIL from 2003-2007, and as Associate Director of CSAIL from 2012-2014. Dr. Davis has been a seminal contributor to the fields...

Founding AIWS University at

Founding AIWS University at

On January 9, 2021, Professor Thomas Patterson, Harvard Kennedy School, Board Member of Michael Dukakis Institute, President of AIWS University, wrote the letter for founding AIWS University: I write to announce the founding of AIWS University at AIWS City. Its...