José Ángel Gurría is named as World Leader in AIWS 2018.

José Ángel Gurría is named as World Leader in AIWS 2018.
Internet Pioner Vint Cerf is honored as World Leader in AIWS 2019.
UCLA Professor Judea Pearl is named 2020 World Leader in the Artificial Intelligence World Society.
Former Secretary-General of the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) since 2006, Angel Gurría firmly established the Organisation as a pillar of the global economic governance architecture including the G7, G20 and APEC.
Boston, December 12, 2021 Welcome. I’m Tom Patterson, co-founder of the Boston Global Forum. It was on this day nine years ago that Mike Dukakis, John Quelch, Nguyen Anh Tuan, and I founded the Boston Global Forum. Every year since then, we’ve marked December 12th...
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On August 4, 2021, Forbes published the article: Developing Coherent AI Infrastructure For Smart Cities by Annie Brown Here are an excerpt of the...