West tries to deal with returning jihadis

West tries to deal with returning jihadis

(June 13th, 2016) As the Islamic State continues to suffer more and more losses of territory and fighters, growing numbers of Western jihadis are trying to quit the ISIS and go back home. But Western security officials have a difficult time in ascertaining who might want to return home to engage in Islamic terrorism and not to resume a peaceful and law-abiding life.


For its part, ISIS, which is losing ground in Syria, Iraq and Libya, is trying to stop some of the thousands of foreign volunteers who have joined its ranks from going home.

“They sense that we have entered the final stage. Many are starting to send us messages to know how they can return,” France’s national intelligence coordinator, Didier Le Bret, told Agence France-Presse.

But many of those who want to defect are “prevented by Daesh (ISIS) policy, which considers those who want to leave Syria {and other places where ISIS operates} as traitors to be immediately executed,” he said.

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Libyan troops seem on  verge of defeating ISIS

Libyan troops seem on verge of defeating ISIS

(June 13th, 2016) Military forces of the Libyan government claimed that they have reached the center of the coastal city of Sirte, the Islamic State’s key stronghold in Libya. That could mean that the fanatical group may have lost all the land it controlled in the country, a failed state wracked by civil war.


The advance of the anti-ISIS force surprised many given that U.S. intelligence officials had suggested only recently that ISIS had 6,000 fighters in Sirte and threatened neighboring Tunisia.

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