The Quad Group, AIWS Social Contract and solutions for world peace and security

Dec 21, 2020News

On December 19, 2020, Governor Michael Dukakis lead the publication of the Quad Roundtable Report.

The role of the Social Contract for the AI Age in such a situation is to eliminate all negative risks and enhance all benefits such technological advancement could bring, protect democratic values, and maintain peace and security in the world.

First, it is necessary to mend not only the differences amongst the Western allies, such as different views of interests, social perceptions, and the role of the Western alliance in the United States, but also to reestablish US international leadership.

Second, the common interest of the Quad is an open Indo-Pacific region.

Third, while addressing possibilities and challenges brought about by artificial intelligence, US leadership must consider the interconnectivity of different types of interests in the Indo-Pacific region. The Quad have role to ask China respect its neighbours and do not create tensions in the Indo-Pacific region, China needs to respect democracy in Hong Kong, and the Quad have solutions to solve threats from China.

Norms, standards, and democratic values from the Social Contract for the AI Age is a fundamental for the Quad Group in maintaining world peace and security, and recognizing threats from nations and regimes that undermine these values.

Authors of the Report are Dr. Sandis Šrāders, Fellow, Baltic Defence College and Board Member, Latvian Transatlantic Organization, Professor Nazli Choucri, MIT, the Boston Global Forum’s Board Member, Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of the Boston Global Forum, Ambassador P.S Raghavan, Chairman of the National Security Advisory Board of India.

The Quad Roundtable at the Riga Conference 2020 is very successful. The next Quad Roundtable will be organized on the AIWS Palace at AIWS City.

Ambassador P.S Raghavan, Chair of National Security Advisory Board, India:

I warmly welcome the initiative of the Boston Global Forum to launch discussions between representatives of the US, India, Japan and Australia on the Quad dialogue of the four countries. The Quad Roundtable highlighted the perspectives of each of the countries on the Quad, shaped by its geography, historical experiences, economic circumstances and political aspirations.