The Human Imperative: Power, Freedom and Democracy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Sep 4, 2023News

Paul Nemitz, representative of the Boston Global Forum in Berlin and Brussels: ‘We cannot leave AI to self-regulation and ethics alone.’

A respected expert on the “triangle of law, technology and democracy” and as such a prominent advisor to the EU, Paul Nemitz shares his views on how artificial intelligence could affect democracies and why and how it should be regulated.

Paul Nemitz is a Principal Adviser in DG Justice and Consumer Protection of the European Commission and Professor of Law at the College of Europe. He is considered as one of Europe’s most respected experts on digital freedom and has led the work on the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation. The English translation of his essay The Human Imperative – Power, Democracy and Freedom in the age of Artificial Intelligence, co-authored with Matthias Pfeffer,  was published June this year.


Paul Nemitz speaks at the Boston Global Forum Conference at Loeb House, Harvard University