Shinzo Abe Initiative Report: Addressing World Conflict and Four Pillars for Peace and Stability

Apr 1, 2024Event Updates, News

At the 3rd Shinzo Abe Initiative Conference, March 28, 2024 in Tokyo, the Boston Global Forum announced the Shinzo Abe Initiative Report: Addressing World Conflict and Four Pillars for Peace and Stability

Contributed by Michael Dukakis, Ramu Damodaran, Francesco Lapenta, Yasuhide Nakayama, Minh Nguyen, Quynh Nguyen, Tuan Anh Nguyen, Thomas Patterson


The Highlight of the report is FOUR PILLARS FOR PEACE AND STABILITY

Uniting countries under the Four Pillars framework, Boston Global Forum is set to gather critical resources and lead the world forward by uniting leaders, technology innovators, and business visionaries. This initiative lays the foundation for a series of forward-thinking endeavors that will be introduced subsequently, each designed to tackle global challenges through collaboration and innovation.

Establishing BGF Peace Task Force include Governor Michael Dukakis, Nguyen Anh Tuan, Harvard Professor Thomas Patterson, MIT Professor Nazli Choucri, Professor Zaneta Ozolina, Yasuhide Nakayama, Ambassador Ichiro Fujisaki, President Enrico Letta, President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Ramu Damodaran.

Building the World Leader Peace Community

Boston Global Forum is establishing the World Leader Peace Community. At the core of this community are distinguished leaders who have been honored with the prestigious Boston Global Forum’s World Leader for Peace and Security Award and World Leader in AIWS Award. As Peace Leaders, they shoulder the critical task of organizing and facilitating discussions aimed at proposing viable solutions to conflicts worldwide. Leveraging their expertise, experience, and diplomatic acumen, they engage with governments and militaries of nations to advocate for peaceful resolutions to ongoing disputes and tensions. Through dialogue, negotiation, and mediation, they tirelessly work to foster understanding, build trust, and promote reconciliation among conflicting parties.

Furthermore, the Peace Leaders recognize the urgent need to prevent conflicts and wars before they escalate. To this end, they collaborate with international organizations, civil society groups, and other stakeholders as Four Pillars to generate strength and momentum toward peace. By raising awareness, advocating for disarmament, and promoting peaceful coexistence, they strive to create a more secure and harmonious world for all humanity.

In essence, the World Leader Peace Community serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration, demonstrating the power of dialogue, cooperation, and diplomacy in resolving conflicts and advancing global peace and security.

Building a Community of Scientists and Technologists for Peace

Building a Community of Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs for Peace

Establishing the Drone for Peace Community


Read the full of the report here: [publications]