At the BGF Conference “Governing the Future: AI, Democracy, and Humanity,” hosted at Harvard University Loeb House on April 30, 2024, Dr. Alondra Nelson was honored with the World Leader in AIWS 2024 Award, and the “Knowledge Platform for AI” was introduced and discussed publicly for the first time. Below is a photo collection from the event:

BGF CEO Nguyen Anh Tuan

Governor Michael Dukakis

Ami Fields-Meyer, former Senior Policy Advisor at the White House

World Leader in AIWS Alondra Nelson

MIT Scholar Robert Mahari

MIT Professor Alex Pentland

MIT Professor Nazli Choucri

MIT Professor Lily Tsai

David Hall, TAMP’s CEO and AKT Health’s Managing Director

Harvard Professor David Silbersweig

Partner of EY, Harvard and MIT Scholar Jeff Saviano

Harvard Professor Thomas Patterson