On November 25, 2024, at the "AI World Society (AIWS) - New Democracy" Conference, organized at Harvard University Loeb House, Harvard Distinguished Scholar Bruce Schneier delivered an insightful talk on AI for Politics and Democracy. Schneier discussed the...
Four Pillars Roundup: Enlightenment in Action Alliance (EAA) and Students in the Four Pillars
The Enlightenment in Action Alliance (EAA) is committed to uniting university students across the world in the effort to leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the greater good. Through collaboration with top universities globally, the EAA encourages youth...
BGF CEO Nguyen Anh Tuan and former CEO of ICANN Fadi Chehade are speakers on AI and Religions at the International Interreligious Conference 2024
Nguyen Anh Tuan and Fadi Chedade will speak at the session “The impact of Artificial Intelligence on interpersonal relationships and between religions” at the International Interreligious Conference 2024. The topic of Tuan’s talk is “Spiritual Values of Religions for...
Creating New Models for a Better World with AI Generative AI for Pro-Democracy Platforms
These are the presentations of Professors Alex “Sandy” Pentland and Lily Tsai, MIT at the BGF Conference on April 30, 2024. They discussed utilizing AI in constructive, ethical, and democratic manners for a better world and civic life. Alex Sandy Pentland From my...
Shinzo Abe Initiative: Four Pillars for Peace and a Free and Open Indo-Pacific
The Shinzo Abe Initiative for Peace and Security is rooted in the principles articulated by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that emphasized the need to for peace and security, especially in the Indo-Pacific region, against rising authoritarian and revanchist powers, and for...
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi dead in helicopter crash: Four Pillars Roundup
I was drafting a little Four Pillars article on some statements and proclamations made over the week, but a notable event just had to happen in the Middle East again. Not to make a mockery of a death, but Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is confirmed dead following a...
BGF Chief Editor’s conversation with Dr. Alondra Nelson
Before the conference to honor Dr. Alondra Nelson with 2024 World Leader in AIWS on April 30, BGF Chief Editor Minh Nguyen interviewed Dr. Nelson. Watch the full conversation on YouTube. “Science and technology policy affects everything.” When I threw an icebreaker...
AI Has Already Become a Master of Lies And Deception, Scientists Warn
This is an excerpt of the article originally published in ScienceAlert. You probably know to take everything an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot says with a grain of salt, since they are often just scraping data indiscriminately, without the nous to determine its...