
Karzai says NATO should leave or focus on Pakistan

  Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai says that foreign forces should either leave Afghanistan to deal with its civil war, or focus on the Taliban’s foreign backers in Pakistan. And he says that bombing Taliban positions just makes things worse. He told The...

Vietnam as U.S contact point for North Korea?

By LLEWELLYN KING Can Vietnam talk some sense into North Korea, and in so doing make itself the go-to country in Asia for diplomatic fixes? There are those in Hanoi, and quite a few scattered across the foreign policy establishment, who think so. Vietnamese President...

Addressing Attacks on Vietnamese Computer Systems

Addressing Attacks on Vietnamese Computer Systems

Addressing Attacks on Vietnamese Computer Systems By Allan Cytryn, Risk Masters International, LLC; Member of Board of Thinkers, The Boston Global Forum and Prof. John E. Savage, Brown University; Member of Board of Thinkers, The Boston Global Forum We recommend a...

Japan deeply worried about Chinese ‘coercion’

Japan's annual defense review has expressed ''deep concern'' over what it sees as China's ''coercion'' and aggressiveness, particularly in the South China Sea. The review comes amid heightened tension in  East and Southeast Asia less than a month after an arbitration...

E.U. beefs up its military operations

Jane's Defense Weekly looks at the European Union's expansion of military operations to counter new threats from Islamic terrorists and Russia. The article starts: "Over the past two years the EU's military operations have increased considerably, with the latest...

Why China is so tough for U.S. tech companies

  Why is China such a discouraging place for American technology companies? One reason, Robert  Atkinson, president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, told the Los Angeles  that: “Since President Xi Jinping took office, they have...