BGF and Shinzo Abe Initiative to organize roundtable for world leaders in Washington DC

May 13, 2024News

Over the past week of May 6-12, representatives of the Boston Global Forum met with leaders of prominent think tanks in Washington DC, including the Wilson Center and the Georgetown Institute for Women Peace and Security (GIWPS). Topics of these meetings vary between peace, security, AI governance, women’s role in the AI age, and the establishment of new democracy with AI.

Through initiatives such as the Shinzo Abe Initiative for Peace and Security and AI World Society, the BGF seeks to collaborate with civil society and think tanks to address global challenges, both technological and geopolitical, cooperating via roundtables and conferences. The proposed roundtables will serve as platforms for in-depth discussions and brainstorming of solutions, bringing together leaders from Japan, Europe, India, and the United States, the Four Pillars. These discussions will facilitate meaningful dialogues on key topics and foster international cooperation between the Pillars in addressing challenges to the rules-based order.

The outcome of these Roundtables will be a set of recommendations and solutions for the significant issues discussed, providing actionable insights to guide world leaders and society in addressing global challenges and advancing peace, security, and ethical AI governance.

Ambassador Melanne Verveer, executive director of GIWPS, and BGF Chief Editor Minh Nguyen