BGF and AIWS Support Launch of Nha Trang City’s Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Club

Jul 1, 2024Event Updates, News

On June 26, the Nha Trang Government inaugurated the Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Club, marking a significant milestone for the city’s youth empowerment initiatives. The ceremony was graced by Mr. Ho Van Mung, Alternate Member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the Nha Trang City Party Committee, along with Mayor Nguyen Sy Khanh. Among the distinguished guests were Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of the Boston Global Forum, and Mr. Yasuhide Nakayama, Former Foreign State Minister of Japan and member of the Boston Global Forum’s Board of Executives. The Nha Trang City Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Club aims to harness scientific research and foster innovative startup activities through collaboration with individuals and organizations. Central to its mission is the cultivation of creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, and innovation among union members, teenagers, pupils, and students. The club seeks to operationalize the “Creative Youth” movement and support the “Accompanying Young People in Business Startups” program, facilitated by the Central Youth Union. It also aims to provide a platform for city youth and union members to converge, learn, exchange ideas, and foster entrepreneurial endeavors. During the launch event, union members and young participants engaged in lively discussions with invited delegates, focusing on startup ventures and innovation initiatives. International delegates from the Boston Global Forum shared insights and experiences, enriching the dialogue with their perspectives on global entrepreneurship trends. At the ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of BGF, delivered an inspiring message to the people of Nha Trang, emphasizing that every citizen is an innovator. He presented a symbolic Boston-Nha Trang picture, a gift from Governor Michael Dukakis, Chair of BGF, to the government and people of Nha Trang City, symbolizing the strong ties and shared aspirations between the two cities. Looking ahead, the Boston Global Forum and AI World Society have pledged their support to nurture youth innovators within the club, facilitating access to AIWS ideas and connections within the Boston innovation community. This collaboration underscores a shared commitment to fostering innovation and empowering the next generation of leaders in Nha Trang City.