AIWS Roundtable Series: “Advancing Human-Centered AI through Integration with Natural Systems and Neuroscience: Toward Policy and Societal Well-Being”

Nov 26, 2023News

As a natural extension of the BGF Initiative unveiled at the BGF Conference in celebration of Governor Dukakis’s 90th birthday, BGF proudly presents the AIWS Roundtable series. This initiative delves deeper into the profound discussions initiated at the conference. Join us in unraveling the profound policy and societal implications of forging an alternative AI grounded in the sciences of computational physics, biology, and neuroscience. This unique exploration promises insights that transcend traditional AI boundaries, paving the way for a future where technology aligns seamlessly with the well-being of individuals and society at large. Be part of this groundbreaking conversation as we chart the course toward a more humane and enlightened AI future.

Embark on a transformative journey into the realms of artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and natural systems with our AIWS Roundtable series. The first Roundtable, commemorating the birthday of the Boston Global Forum, is set for December 12, 2023, followed by engaging sessions throughout January 2024. Lasting approximately two weeks each, these sessions delve into the profound implications of integrating AI with the wisdom of natural systems and the intricacies of neuroscience. Our esteemed panel of speakers includes MIT Distinguished Scholars Alex Pentland, John Clippinger, Harvard Scholars David Silbersweig, Thomas Patterson, John Quelch, distinguished innovators such as Tom Kehler, Tuan Nguyen, former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta, and many distinguished leaders, thinkers, policymakers, and decision-makers.


Duration: Approximately one hour per Roundtable

MC: David Lovejoy, Founder, and Chief Content Curator of Horizon Search

Theme for AIWS Roundtables: “An Alternative AI Based on The Science of Computational Physics, Biology, and Neuroscience: Policy and Societal Significance”