Initiatives of Boston Global Forum
From its founding on December 12th, 2012, the Boston Global Forum has contributed pioneering initiatives for a peaceful, secure, creative, innovative, and prosperous world.
The Boston Global Forum connects leaders, devises initiatives, and implements them.

AIWS City and Rebuilding Ukraine
BGF condemns Russian invasion of Ukraine, calls for support to Ukraine, and initiates to rebuild Ukraine with AIWS City conceptual models.

AIWS City and the Age of Global Enlightenment
AIWS develops recommendations for the development and implementation of AI in ways that promote the public interest.

Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital
These are the principles and frameworks that guide all activities and discussions at Boston Global Forum.

Shinzo Abe Initiative for Peace and Security
Japan will continue to cooperate closely with the US and other partners in the International community, reliably safeguard our nation’s important information and property while playing a leading role in achieving the peace and stability of the international community.

Global Cybersecurity Day
Global Cybersecurity Day, held in December 12 at 12 noon local time in various cities around the globe, aims to inspire the shared responsibility of the world’s citizens to protect the safety, transparency and security of the Internet.

United Nations Centennial
BGF developed 100-year visions, missions, and action plans for United Nations.
World Leader for Peace and Security Award’s acceptance speech of President Vaira Vike-Freiberga The former President of Latvia and current president of World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid, which has more than 100 former head of states and governments as members, calls for “more fundamental research on the...
Presentation of Professor Alex Sandy Pentland at the AI World Society Conference Sept 23, 2019
Presentation of Professor Alex Sandy Pentland, Director of MIT Connection Science, Co-founder of the Social Contract 2020, at the AI World Society Conference Sept 23, 2019 at Harvard University Faculty Club. Download Presentation
Professor Hiroshi ESAKI talks about Internet of Design
Professor Hiroshi ESAKI, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,The University of Tokyo talks about Internet of Design Professor Hiroshi ESAKI talks about Internet of Design from Boston Global Forum Download power point file
10 Ways Machine Learning Is Revolutionizing Manufacturing In 2019
The leading growth strategy for manufacturers in 2019 is improving shop floor productivity by investing in machine learning platforms that deliver the insights needed to improve product quality and production yields. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to...
How to enforce policy/regulation. “Trust but verify”
Shaping the future of AI will require new regulation of technology. Some possible directions include restrictions on the collection and use of data, requiring the use of machine learning tools and frameworks that are fair by design, and mandating processes that...
China’s path to AI domination has a problem: brain drain
A new analysis shows that the number of Chinese AI researchers has increased tenfold over the last decade, but the majority of them live outside the country. Superpower dreams: China has put forth a concerted effort to grow into a leading AI powerhouse over the last...