On November 25, 2024, the Boston Global Forum (BGF) hosted a momentous event at Harvard University's Loeb House. The occasion featured the Ceremony Honoring French President Emmanuel Macron with the 2024 World Leader for Peace and Security Award and the "AI World...
Ten Steps to win the AI Race
Mark Kennedy’s speech at the BGF Conference “AIWS – New Democracy” Harvard University Loeb House, November 25, 2024 During my first year in Congress in 2001, I faced a vote on whether to maintain Normal Trade Relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). I...
CNBC: World’s first major act to regulate AI passed by European lawmakers
The European Union’s parliament on Wednesday approved the world’s first major set of regulatory ground rules to govern the mediatized artificial intelligence at the forefront of tech investment. The EU brokered provisional political consensus in early December, and it...
Biden calls for ban on AI voice generations during State of the Union
President Joe Biden took credit for the improving economy in his State of the Union speech Thursday. He also addressed artificial intelligence, saying he wants to harness the promise of it - especially one element that had a direct impact on him. "Pass bipartisan...
Outline of Special Report: Addressing World Conflicts and War – Solutions for Peace and Stability
Shinzo Abe Initiative Conference 2024 - March 28, 2024, Tokyo I. Introduction In a world marked by persistent conflict and strife, the pursuit of sustainable solutions for peace and stability has never been more crucial. As we gather at the Shinzo Abe Initiative...
US and China agree to map out framework for developing AI responsibly
The original article was published on ABC News Australia. The world's two powerhouse nations have finally agreed to sit down and discuss their concerns around the expanding power and reach of artificial intelligence (AI) after years of lobbying from officials and...
Tech giants pledge action against deceptive AI in elections
Tech giants including Microsoft, Meta, Google, Amazon, X, OpenAI and TikTok unveiled an agreement on Friday aimed at mitigating the risk that artificial intelligence will disrupt elections in 2024. The tech industry "accord" takes aim at AI-generated images, video and...
US creates advisory group to consider AI regulation
The US government has created an artificial intelligence safety advisory group, including AI creators, users, and academics, with the goal of putting some guardrails on AI use and development. The new US AI Safety Institute Consortium (AISIC), part of the National...