Publishing the book “AI in the Age of Global Enlightenment”

Feb 5, 2023Event Updates

The book “AI in the Age of Global Enlightenment” is a captivating story that delves into the integration of artificial intelligence into our society. The fast pace of technological advancements and the increasing impact of AI on our daily lives make it imperative to contemplate the ethical and societal ramifications of this evolving field.

The author, Michelle Nguyen, draws on ideas and concepts from the book “Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment,” edited by Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of the Boston Global Forum (BGF) and published by BGF and United Nations Academic Impact in July 2021. The key character in the book is AI Xachari, a robot with the capability to self-learn, feel, and act like humans while yearning to experience human happiness. With a goal to serve humankind’s happiness, AI Xachari meets the scientist who created the flawed AI, Balaam. The two discuss the Social Contract for the AI Age, aimed at ensuring the transparency of AI algorithms and holding AI creators accountable for their systemic impact. The scientist then upgrades Balaam, incorporating the Cyber Security Mesh Architecture and other advanced technologies, turning it into a cybersecurity expert for the AI Government.

This book offers a thought-provoking and imaginative portrayal of the relationship between AI and society, proposing a future where both can coexist in harmony and balance. Through AI Xachari and the scientist, the book demonstrates how we can utilize advanced technologies to create a better world, guided by principles of transparency, accountability, and the ethics outlined in the Social Contract for the AI Age.

The book launch event on February 25, 2023, featuring Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan as the keynote speaker, is eagerly awaited. It provides readers with an opportunity to gain deeper insights into the book’s themes and engage in a dialogue about the future of AI and its role in fostering the Age of Global Enlightenment.