From the BGF Framework for AI Global Governance to the White House’s new actions to promote responsible AI innovation

May 7, 2023Event Updates, News

The Boston Global Forum and the Global Alliance for Digital Governance (GADG) have jointly developed a Framework for Global Governance for ChatGPT and AI Assistants as part of the High-level dialogues series. The conference series began on February 28, 2023, with the latest one being the Boston Global Forum High-level Conference on April 26, 2023, called the “AI Assistant Regulation Summit: Fostering a Tech Enlightenment Economy Alliance.” During the summit, the Boston Global Forum and GADG announced their shared Framework for Global Governance for AI Assistants and ChatGPT.

One week later, on May 4, 2023, the White House announced “New Actions to Promote Responsible AI Innovation that Protects Americans’ Rights and Safety.

President Biden is set to meet with CEOs of big companies to discuss AI-related matters.

The Boston Global Forum and Governor Michael Dukakis extend their gratitude to the distinguished leaders and thinkers who participated in the Boston Global Forum conference, including the United Nations Tech Convoy Amandeep Gill, Prime Ministers Enrico Letta, Zlatko Lagumdzija, and Ehud Barak, and Ministers Sanae Takaichi, Taro Kono, Hayashi Yoshimasa, and Yasuhide Nakayama, as well as Harvard Law Professors Martha Minow and Ruth L. Okediji, and thinkers such as John Clippinger and Thomas Kehler.

The Boston Global Forum and the Global Alliance for Digital Governance are taking actions to ensure the successful implementation of the Framework for Global Governance of AI Assistants and ChatGPT.

Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of Boston Global Forum

Governor Dukakis and distinguished leaders, thinkers launch BGF Framework for AI Global Governance April 26, 2023