In the morning April 25, 2019, the Boston Global Forum (BGF) organized
AIWS-G7 Summit Conference at Loeb House, Harvard University.
The conference is sponsored by Government of Commonwealth of Massachusetts and supported by France Government.
Mr. Arnaud Mentre, Consul General of France in Boston, Representative of French Government, received the AIwS-G7Summit Initiative of BGF. He presented a keynote speech at the conference with topic “The French Perspective on Artificial Intelligence and the G7 Summit”.
On behalf of co-authors, Professor Thomas Patterson introduce AIWS-G7 Summit Initiative.
At the prestigious event, the Boston Global Forum honored one of Fathers of Internet, Vint Cerf as World Leader in AI World Society.

Mr. Paul Nemitz presented the principles of creating Artificial Intelligence Law, layer 4 of the 7-layer Artificial Intelligence Society model.
Mr. Paul Nemitz, presented Legal Concepts for AI – Layer 4 of AI World Society he introduces concepts of AI International Law. This is pioneer of AI Legal.
His precision gets very provocative discussion from professors of Harvard University, MIT include Professor Neil Gershenfeld, MIT etc.
Mr. Nam Pham, Assistant Secretary of Business Development and International Trade of Government of Massachusetts gave speech, committed Government of MA supports AIWS-Summit.