The FUTURE of AI Act

The FUTURE of AI Act

On December 12, 2017, while Governor Michael Dukakis and Nguyen Anh Tuan announced the AI World Society at Loeb House, Harvard,  a bipartisan group of Congressional leaders also introduced the Fundamentally Understanding the Usability and Realistic Evolution of Artificial Intelligence Act of 2017, also known as the FUTURE of AI Act. This bill establishes an Advisory Committee that will report to the Secretary of Commerce, in order to foster a better environment for the development of AI and assess its potential impacts on the American economy. An Artificial Intelligence Caucus has also emerged recently with the same goals in mind.

Read the full text of the FUTURE of AI Act here.

Quoting the House bill: “as artificial intelligence evolves, it can greatly benefit society.” This is also a guiding principle of the Artificial Intelligence World Society. The AIWS brings together scholars, AI developers, artists, and leaders from various fields to come up with ideas and concepts about the future role of AI in global society. With AI and related topics increasingly shaping political debate and news headlines, examining their role in our society is essential.

Read more about the AIWS here and follow the Boston Global Forum and Michael Dukakis Institute on social media to stay updated.