Hon. Mark R. Kennedy, Director of the Wilson Center’s Wahba Institute for Strategic Competition
Speech delivered on February 11, 2025, at the Boston Global Forum’s “Government 24/7: How Al Might Best Transform Governance” event as part of the Al Action Summit in Paris, France
24/7 Government: Harnessing AI for Public Good
Rather than seeking to lead the world in excessive regulations, Europe should consider leading in embracing initiatives like the AI World Society (AIWS) Government 24/7 model of government promoted by the Boston Global Forum.
This is a vision for government that operates continually, efficiently, and ethically, driven by AI to enhance human governance rather than replace it.
Nearly every other aspect of society has become continually responsive to individuals simply by tapping day or night on our smart phones. To reflect the Enlightenment’s spirit of individual empowerment, government should be just as responsive.
The AIWS Government 24/7 model embraces ethical governance and includes several components:
- Boston Areti AI (Areti being the Greek word for virtue). This is the idea that governance can be improved by government leaders having access to an AI-driven decision-support agent that learns from history’s greatest leaders, accumulating the lessons learned from the past, and incorporating the best insights that AI can offer.
- Integration of AI into all branches of government. To ensure efficient and responsive government, AI should support executive decision-making, legislative analysis, and judicial processing. Yes, humans will remain at the heart of governance, but by leveraging AI, governments can be more responsive to their citizens.
- AIWS University. Universities should strive to become lifelong AI-empowered learning ecosystems, helping faculty to offer personalized education and accelerate research discoveries. Such universities would foster an interdisciplinary approach, integrating AI with ethics, policy, and technology to develop the next generation of leaders equipped to navigate the complexities of AI governance and innovation.
- AIWS Healthcare. In the age of AI, healthcare providers can be more patient-centric. They can benefit from AI-driven predictive analytics, resource optimization, diagnostics, and treatment planning to enhance patient outcomes and reduce medical errors, in pursuit of providing continual, equitable access to high-quality healthcare.
- Cybersecurity and Data Protection Policiestake on an even more important role. AI governance and service delivery systems must be safeguarded from misuse.
AI-assisted 24/7 governance promises greater efficiency, accessibility, and responsiveness. To achieve this, we must ensure it empowers government workers and citizens alike in like with the Enlightenment spirit, rather than overwhelming them with bureaucracy.
A Call to Action
We are at a defining moment. The choice before us is not merely one of technological design but one of philosophical alignment. Will we uphold the ideals of the Enlightenment, or will we allow them to be eclipsed by authoritarian efficiency?
The tasks before us are clear. First, we must ensure humans remain in control of AI. Second, we must champion the democratic, freedom-focused AI model over the authoritarian alternative. Third, we must address the broader societal concerns AI brings.
France must embrace its Enlightenment heritage, streamline regulatory burdens, and lead in advancing safe, human-centered AI. By doing so, it can inspire not only Europe but the world.
The Enlightenment was a revolution of knowledge, autonomy, and progress.
Today, we must ignite a similar revolution, ensuring that AI serves humanity, protects dignity, and upholds liberty.
Together, let us ensure that the democratic AI model prevails—not just for the sake of innovation, but for the preservation of the human spirit itself.
Please read full at: https://bostonglobalforum.org/publication/preserving-the-ideals-of-the-enlightenment-in-the-age-of-artificial-intelligence/