The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) — once discussed in concept but with few practical applications — is now a reality in practically every aspect of today’s world. Name an industry, and you can be sure that AI applications play a part in its operations. The use of AI is one of the fastest-growing trends in marketing today. But from what I’ve seen as the president of a digital marketing agency that works in the health care and wellness sector, AI is having the biggest impact in health care marketing.
The proof is in the dollars: The national AI health care market is expected to reach $6.6 billion by 2021. Our reliance on AI to support our health care marketing programs has doubled in the past year alone. The greatest usefulness of AI for health care marketing includes predictive analytics, speech recognition technology and chatbots.
While there’s still much work and research to be done in AI and many privacy issues and guidelines to explore, the health care industry seems to be quickly keeping up. Using AI can allow health care systems, clinics and providers to create an engaging, seamless interaction with their patients.
The AI application in healthcare is also promoted by Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation (MDI) and AI World Society (AIWS) to not only help people achieve well-being and happiness, but also support on AI Ethics for the constructive and development of AI.
The original article can be found here.