Summit – the world’s most powerful supercomputer will be the “Pedal” for the major leaps in everything

Sep 17, 2018News

The new machine crafted by the U.S has the capability to perform 200 million billion calculations a second which is eight time faster than a machine called Titan, the last computer to hold U.S supercomputing speed record before the arrival of Summit.

As supercomputers are being used for everything from designing aircraft to generating materials and other research, Summit will be the first supercomputer to be running AI applications such as machine learning and neural networks. Among the programs running on the new supercomputer, there is one involved with processing a great amount of data on written records and medical images to identify the linkage between genes and cancer as well as between genes and opioid addiction, and other afflictions. In term of climate, Summit can be a helpful instrument to reproduce the weather – modeling the behavior of clouds.

It is said that it is a stepping stone for the next achievement in computing – exaflop computing (performing a billion billion calculations a second), an international competition between U.S and China to this milestone. But it is not just a national pride that’s at stake here, it should be kept in mind that it is how the machine is used and what it can contribute to the good of mankind. With the fact that the supercomputer is running on the platform of AI, with the application of machine and neuroscience, unwanted consequences can occur if we do not take the AI moral seriously. According to the first layer of AIWS 7-layer Model, the first principle for developers to follow is that all AI is created for a better world and ensures the peace, security and prosperity of human.