“Laurel for Peace and Security in Ukraine” Initiative

Mar 4, 2022AIWS City and Rebuilding Ukraine, News, Publications

March 4, 2022

Boston, MA – The Boston Global Forum (BGF), Michael Dukakis Institute (MDI), and Global Alliance for Digital Governance (GADG) stand by the autonomy, peace, and security of Ukraine, and condemn Russia’s senseless and destructive assault on Ukraine’s territory.

In early 2022, we created the “Laurel for Peace and Security in Ukraine” Initiative, with the mission of developing binding new international rules and instruments to safeguard the rights, interests, and integrity of countries that are too weak on their own to withstand aggressive hostile actions by more powerful countries. We call on you, as leaders and persons of influence in our international community, to support this Initiative.

The goals of our campaign “Laurel for Peace and Security in Ukraine” are as follows:

  • Contribute ideas, solutions from distinguished thinkers, leaders for The New International Rules and Instruments for Peace and Security.
  • Following the ideas and recommendations of BGF World Leaders for Peace and Security President Ursula von de Leyen, President Sauli Niinisto, Riksdag Speaker Andreas Norlen, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon.
  • Collect and recognize governments, organizations, companies, influencers contribute by voices, actions to support for peace and security in Ukraine.
  • Synthesize powers from governments, organizations, companies, influencers for Peace and Security in Ukraine

One major initiative by the Boston Global Forum is a Social Contract for the AI Age. We would like to create a new alliance based on the values and standards of the Social Contract we adhere to: equality of opportunity and the right to study Global Enlightenment Education for every citizen, as well as transparency, openness, and social responsibility. Countries that join this alliance will support and protect each other, countries in this alliance will contribute to the qualities of economy, defense, innovations, education and society of all members.

In accordance with this initiative, we humbly request that you, as businesses which share the mission of creating goods and values for society, stand with us and take action to aid Ukraine, accelerate the cessation of war, and restore stability for Europe and the world. We request that organizations stop conducting business with totalitarian, dictatorial regimes in large countries which threaten global peace and security, such as Russia.

Additionally, we are calling for Russia to be expelled from the United Nations Security Council. Learn more about our initiative here: Laurel for Peace and Security in Ukraine

Leaders of the Boston Global Forum and Michael Dukakis Institute