History of AI – Historical Events, Achievements and People in AI 2023

Jan 2, 2024News

ChatGPT 4.0 and Ashit Vaswani who created the Transformer platform to develop ChatGPT

The AIWS Natural AI Initiative, titled “A Natural AI Based on the Science of Computational Physics, Biology, and Neuroscience: Policy and Societal Significance,” stands as a landmark event in the field of artificial intelligence in 2023. This initiative represents a pivotal moment where leading scientists, scholars, and policymakers come together to address the trajectory of AI development with a focus on foundational scientific principles.

In a paradigm-shifting endeavor, the Boston Global Forum heralded a new era in AI development on December 12, 2023, by hosting a roundtable that brought together luminaries from academia and industry. This gathering was not just a meeting of minds but a pivotal juncture marking the birth of a revolutionary approach to artificial intelligence: Natural AI. This concept, rooted in computational physics, biology, and neuroscience, was crystallized in a significant letter titled ‘A Natural AI Based on The Science of Computational Physics, Biology, and Neuroscience: Policy and Societal Significance,’ collectively endorsed by many attendees.


Artificial Intelligence Act: deal on comprehensive rules for trustworthy AI:
