Governing the Future: AI, Democracy, and Humanity

Apr 8, 2024Event Updates, News

The Boston Global Forum (BGF) is delighted to convene a pivotal conference on April 30, 2024, titled “Governing the Future: AI, Democracy, and Humanity.” Hosted at the prestigious Harvard University Loeb House, this event will bring together esteemed thought leaders, policymakers, and scholars to explore the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI), democracy, and the collective well-being of humanity.

Commencing at 1:30 pm and extending until 5:00 pm, the conference will begin with a warm welcome to participants at 1:00 pm.

One of the highlights of the conference will be the honoring of Alondra Nelson, Former Deputy Assistant to President Joe Biden, Former Acting Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Harold F. Linder Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study. Dr. Nelson will be recognized as the recipient of the 2024 World Leader in AI World Society (AIWS) Award in acknowledgment of her outstanding contributions to shaping the governance, public policy, and societal dimensions of AI development and deployment. Governor Michael Dukakis will present this esteemed award to Dr. Nelson, followed by her distinguished speech on “Governing the Future: AI, Public Policy, and Democracy.”

The conference will feature engaging discussions moderated by Harvard Professor Thomas Patterson, focusing on vital topics such as platforms for AI democracy and humanity. Esteemed speakers including MIT professors Alex Sandy Pentland, Lily Tsai, and Robert Mahari will present on the topic of ‘Generative AI for Pro-democracy Platforms,’ while MIT professor Nazli Choucri will speak on the development of the Knowledge Platform for AI Systems.

Furthermore, Harvard Professor David Silbersweig will explore the dynamics of prosocial human brain-AI interactions, shedding light on the potential for harmonious collaboration between human intelligence and artificial intelligence.

The conference will culminate with concluding remarks from Nguyen Anh Tuan. He will introduce The World Leader Peace Community”, comprise recipients of World Leader for Peace and Security Award and World Leader in AIWS Award. Throughout the event, participants will have the opportunity to engage with leading experts and contribute to the advancement of AI governance and ethical practices.

The BGF conference on ‘Governing the Future: AI, Democracy, and Humanity’ promises to be a platform for thought-provoking dialogue and collaborative action, shaping a future where AI serves as a force for positive societal transformation.

Courtesy of ABC News