Gazmin on China threat: Irresponsible

Jun 9, 2014News

(BGF) – In a commentary issued by Chinese People’s Daily, it accused the Philippines of making the Association of Southeast Asian Nations an “accomplice” in the “violation” of China’s “sovereignty” over some islets and shoals in the West Philippine Sea; “illegal occupation” of the Kalayaan Island Group, inviting foreign companies to engage in oil and gas development in the disputed waters and internationalizing the territorial conflict. China also threaten the Philippines by saying that “a counterstrike will be hard to avoid.”

The Philippines Department of Foreign Affairs official called China to be “responsible member in the community of nations”. Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin also advised Beijing to be more cautious and not to use “intimidation and coercion” in settling disputes with the Philippines and its neighbors, as Jaime Laude for the Philippine Star reported.

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Gazmin on China threat: Irresponsible


MANILA, Philippines – Beijing was being “irresponsible” by threatening a “counterstrike” in response to the Philippines’ offering its allies access to its air and naval facilities, Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin said yesterday.

Gazmin said that while he is not worried about China’s threat, he is exhorting Beijing to be more circumspect and not to resort to intimidation and coercion in settling disputes with the Philippines and its neighbors.

Gazmin issued the statement shortly before flying to Clark air base to attend the celebration of the 66th anniversary of the Philippine Air Force.

On Saturday, the People’s Daily – the mouthpiece of the ruling Chinese Communist Party – said the Philippines was inviting a counterstrike for “provoking” Beijing.

In a commentary, the newspaper also accused the Philippines of making the Association of Southeast Asian Nations an “accomplice” in the “violation” of China’s “sovereignty” over some islets and shoals in the West Philippine Sea.

Gazmin said he agrees with Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario’s reprimanding Beijing and reminding it of the preeminence of international law in settling issues.

Del Rosario had also said China’s provocative statement had no place among civilized nations.

DFA spokesman Raul Hernandez said China is obliged under international laws, specifically the United Nations Charter, “to pursue a peaceful resolution of disputes – meaning without the use of force or the threat to use force.”

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