Distinguished scholars of AIWS.net support to rebuild Ukraine

Apr 3, 2022AIWS City and Rebuilding Ukraine, News

Follow up the Letter from Governor Michael Dukakis Calling for Support of Ukrainian Students March 30, 2022, AIWS.net are calling and inviting scholars to support Ukraine in rebuilding Ukraine.

Immediately, Harvard professors: Thomas Patterson, David Silbersweig, MIT professors: Alex Pentland, Nazli Choucri; Former Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zlatko Lagumdzija, Former President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, and professor Zaneta Ozolina, Chairwoman of Latvian Transatlantic Organization (LATO), are ready to support.

Stand with Ukrainian people, scholars will create initiatives, solutions to rebuild economy of Ukraine.

Professor Alex Pentland and Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Co-founders of AIWS.net, are developing a special initiative for education and innovation economy for Ukraine.

AIWS.net will create a special network of distinguished professors, scholars, innovators to support Ukrainian people rebuild their country.  AIWS.net will discuss with them and welcome intellectual, knowledge, and contributions to Ukraine. The Ukrainian people and Ukraine deserve to receive intellectuals and contributions of scholars, help them now.

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