Boston Global Forum (BGF) and Nkemnkia: Community Development Empowerment International Foundation (NCDEIF) introduce AI World Society (AIWS) to Africa

Nov 19, 2023Event Updates, News

On November 14, 2023, at the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican, Rome, Italy, the Boston Global Forum (BGF) in Boston, USA, and the Nkemnkia Community Development Empowerment International Foundation (NCDEIF) in Rome, Italy, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to support the implementation and deployment of AI World Society (AIWS) in Africa. The initiative includes the following programs:

AI World Society Leadership Program

Empowering African leaders with AI (Artificial Intelligence) knowledge and skills to drive positive change in their communities and society.

Global Enlightenment Education for Africa

Promoting access to quality education on AI and AI Age and global issues to foster enlightenment in Africa

Africa TruthGuard: Combating Misinformation and Disinformation

Addressing the challenges of false information through technological and educational means.

AIWS Innovation for Africa Citizens aims at

Fostering innovation and technology solutions that benefit African citizens.

Professor Martin Nkafu Nkemnkia of the Pontifical Lateran University, President of NCDEIF and BGF CEO Nguyen Anh Tuan signed MOU