Biden warns Xi about Japan’s nuclear potential

Jun 24, 2016News


U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden has warned Chinese President Xi Jinping that Japan could  acquire nuclear weapons “virtually overnight.”

Mr. Biden said that he had urged Mr. Xi to push North Korea  to abandon its missile and nuclear- weapons developments. But it is highly unlikely that China will push its fellow dictatorship to do s0.

The vice president was referring to Pyongyang’s recent nuclear test and missile launches in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions.


Mr. Biden said North Korea is building nuclear weapons that can strike as far as away the U.S. mainland. “And I say, so we’re going to move up our defense system,”  suggesting  that America will  deploy an advanced U.S. missile interception system called Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, in South Korea.

The vice president quoted Mr. Xi as saying, “Wait a minute, my military thinks you’re going to try to circle us.”


Japanese Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroshige Seko  asserted June 24 that Japan “can never possess nuclear weapons.”

To read The Japan Times’s story on this, please hit this link.