BGF and AIWS Leaders will present the Social Contract 2020 at WLA-Club de Madrid Conference

Sep 6, 2020News

Club de Madrid, in partnership with the Boston Global Forum, and with the generous support of Tram Huong Khanh Hoa Company (ATC), presents a Policy Lab will be analysing challenges to digital and AI governance from a transatlantic perspective and offer actionable policy solutions as we consider the need to build a new social contract that will adequately tackle these challenges.

Leaders of the Boston Global Forum and, such as Governor Michael Dukakis, Father of the Internet Vint Cerf, Prime Minister Zlatko Lagumdzija, Nguyen Anh Tuan, Marc Rotenberg, professors Thomas Patterson, Nazli Choucri, David Silbersweig, Alex Pentland, will attend and present the Social Contract 2020 at this special event on 16-18 September 2020.

By contrasting North American and European best practices and perspectives, Club de Madrid and the Boston Global Forum aim to delve into innovative ideas and formulate actionable policy recommendations and consider the need to build a new social contract that will adequately tackle the challenges raised by artificial intelligence and digital governance. Both organizations will look to identify ways of engaging technological companies in public policy making while protecting the democratic mandate, which guarantees policies that serve the general interest, rather than that of fewer actors.