Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values Index 2021: AI regulation in China leaves open questions about independent oversight

Mar 6, 2022Reports, Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital, News

CAIDP announced the Updated Index Ranks AI Policies and Practices 2021 in 50 Countries. In this Index, Canada, Germany, Italy, and South Korea ranks at the top, the US makes progress, as concerns about China remain.

“We have reasons for optimism and reasons for concern,” said CAIDP Chair Merve Hickok. “The AIDV Index found global support for strong frameworks to regulate AI. At the same time, the threats to fundamental rights, enabled by AI techniques, are on the rise.”

The AIDV Index, prepared by CAIDP, is based on global norms found in the OECD/G20 AI Principles, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the new UNESCO Recommendation on AI Ethics. Policies and practices were evaluated for 50 countries. There was also careful analysis of AI related developments in 2021 at international organizations, including the G7 and the G20, the European Union, and the Council of Europe. This was the second edition of the report, and reflected the contributions of more than 100 experts and advocates from almost 40 countries.

“One of our central objectives is to see whether countries are fulfilling their commitments for trustworthy AI. We examined whether countries are willing to draw red lines with certain AI applications, such as facial recognition in public spaces,” said Marc Rotenberg, director of the Center for AI and Digital Policy.

The Global Alliance for Digital Governance (GADG), established by Boston Global Forum and Club de Madrid, coordinates global resources to build Global Law and Accord on AI and Digital, and unite organizations and influencers for a human-centred governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital societies.