America, China and South-East Asia continue to talk past each other over the South China Sea

Aug 25, 2014News

(BGF) – The tensions in the South China Sea still rise high without a solution to the disputes, despite the fact that the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, America have urged to have it resolved, however, China ignored all the calls and insists on what it wants to do.

America pointed to China for creating the tension. In return, China accused America for meddling, and  encouraging countries such as the Philippines and Vietnam to beard China.However, for ASEAN countries, their foreign ministers dared not to bring themselves to name China as the source of the tension because of its overwhelming power.

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America, China and South-East Asia continue to talk past each other over the South China Sea

August 16, 2014


(Photo Credit: Michael Morgenstern, the Economist)

TENSION in the South China Sea has now reached the point where references to tension have become an issue. “Someone has been exaggerating or even playing up the so-called tension in the South China Sea,” Wang Yi, China’s foreign minister, said on August 9th. By “someone”, of course, he meant America. He was speaking in Naypyidaw, Myanmar’s capital, where the ten foreign ministers of ASEAN, the Association of South-East Asian Nations, were holding their annual meeting. So when they agreed on a communiqué referring to “increased tensions” in the sea, many scored it as a diplomatic victory for the United States.

American officials saw the inclusion of the phrase as a sign that ASEAN’s members were readier to present a united front against Chinese aggression towards rival claimants to territory in the sea. China’s “nine-dashed line”, its vague cartographic claim to most of the sea, encroaches on the claims of four ASEAN members. A State Department official cheered the group’s movement away from “diversionary issues” and “happy talk”. It was reasonable to conclude, he said, that “the Chinese are feeling the heat”. Reasonable, perhaps, but almost certainly inaccurate. If China is alarmed about the mounting regional antagonism stoked by its behaviour in the South China Sea, it is certainly not letting on.

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